Google Assistant Setup Issue - "Could not update the setting. Please check your connection"

Amazing. Tring this setup for a very long time without success and get it working first time with your Tuto. Thank you so much.

Hi Matt, sounds like the same issue i am having. Did you manage to get it working? I am able to access via https. When adding the test service in Google assistant I get redirected to my hassio, sign in, but then get the google “could not update” error.

Hi - I ended up recreating everything, even the API in Google, and it still didn’t work.

A problem I had in isolating the cause, was that, toward the end of my troubleshooting, two other problems joined the mix (certs expired, and my server weirdly stopped accepting external traffic, which a reboot fixed).

Once I fixed the certs and rebooted the server, then it started working - so I can’t say what was initially wrong with the HA config, sorry. Although I do believe that stripping out all Google Assistant config to the minimum is an important early step.

Those would be main causes of the assistant setup not working :wink:

Well they were the cause of everything breaking - but that was a week after my Google Assistant config stopped syncing…

Before that, I never found out what was wrong. By the time I made the corrective step, everything else had broken for bigger reasons. Absolute clusterf***

I dealt with this for a while before I thought about the “check your connection message” and saw hints on the GitHub issue about IP versions.

For anyone else having this problem:

My HA instance was behind Cloudflare and NGINX. Turning off proxying in Cloudflare but still using NGINX finally allowed it to work.


Thanks @Klikini, turning off Cloudflare proxying in addition to completing the final steps from mobile network instead of LAN did the trick for me.

Hi, i have just spent a couple of nights battling this issue.

TLDR - I used project name instead of project id for the Account Linking client id url.

I found that i had made a mistake following the instructions (

The mistake was on 2.3 -
Client ID:

Instead of project id I had used the project name. FYI project id looks like words-2ab12, I got it from the url.

I realised my mistake when following the instructions again to create a new project.
Updating the old client id didn’t appear to work but I tested it immediately after fixing the mistake so that may have been the issue. However the new project did work.

I hope someone finds this useful.

TLDR - I used project name instead of project id for the Account Linking client id url.

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I made a similar mistake as well - I’d only included the project ID rather than the google part of the URL that came before it, but all the other URLs were correct!