Google Assistant Setup Issue - "Could not update the setting. Please check your connection"

I restart all the process and now when o click to add the my test app it sends me to error 500, the server encoutered an error and could not complete you request

I was reading some threads in other foruns and here jn brazil we heve an isp called netvirtua and some people are saying that they’re blocking some ports like 443 from their datacenter, anyone knows how to by pass this? Anyone had the same experience?

+1 Same here.
Nothing here resolved the thing.

As I said a few posts up, you don’t have to use port 443 - a custom port is fine.

Unfortunetly i lt didnt work duckdns addon its not working if i set true to lets encrypt, also if I just let duckdns working from time to time my hassio looses conection and I need to enter through hassio.local or reboot via ssh very strange

edit: I don´t know what i did but it seems to be working duckdns and let´s encrypt since now I have to navigate through and not “http” anymore, but when I push my app test on home control it redirects me to a black page with a {“message”: “missing project_id in redirect_uri”}

any clue?

So I still haven’t got this to work… but maybe this will help others debug this…

Looking at my log files I see the auth request go through ok:

Nov 03 10:17:27 hass hass[2299]: 2017-11-03 10:17:27 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] Serving /api/google_assistant/auth to x.x.x.x (auth: False)
Nov 03 10:17:27 hass hass[2299]: 2017-11-03 10:17:27 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.auth] user login in from Google Assistant

But I do not see a follow up request (I simulated one to see what it looked like):

$ curl -X POST -i -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESSTOKENFROMCONFIGFILE' -d '{"inputs":[{"intent": "action.devices.SYNC"}], "requestId": "123"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2017 09:54:17 GMT
Server: Python/3.4 aiohttp/2.2.5
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 318

{"payload": {"devices": [{"id": "light.tall", "name": {"name": "tall"}, "traits": ["action.devices.traits.OnOff", "action.devices.traits.ColorSpectrum", "action.devices.traits.Brightness", "action.devices.traits.ColorTemperature"], "type": "action.devices.types.LIGHT", "willReportState": false}]}, "requestId": "123"}

Nov 03 10:11:44 hass hass[2299]: 2017-11-03 10:11:44 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] Serving /api/google_assistant to x.x.x.x (auth: False)

If you see that follow up request, maybe you can run that curl command and see if something looks off, like maybe your config isn’t filtering the right devices.

Because I am not seeing the follow up request after a successful auth, I suspect something is funny with my gactions project json config where the follow up automation url is… I’m wondering which fields in that are set to “automation” maybe don’t match the correct invocation / project names from the setup page… Can someone who has it working paste their project json and a screenshot of the google assistant config console page?

im not even getting that error which is weird… its like the google assistant app on my phone wont even connect…

Hi there,

I tried nearly everything even setting up the google actions project - twice.
@darkskiez Your curl is working for me
But the google assistant won’t connect, no second request and finally “Could not update the…”.
I may have a clue: What about language differences between the actions <-> the project settings <-> the s smartphone? As my phone is configured to use german as the primary language I added language informations to the project.json, updated the project and the project description - but it didn’t change anything to the phones assistant.
I think the easiest way would be to file an issue so that the developer may have a look into it - or add some useful debug output at least?

I’m french.
When I try to add french infos it says “missing one action for french language”

I just got it working.

I had authorized both accounts on my phone but it wasn’t enough

The account I was using for the assistant was different from the account chrome was signed into on my phone. Changing that in chrome on my phone made it work.

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ive only got one account on my phone, but its not working…

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I changed the main language of my phone to “en-us”, you might as well submit your action assigned to a language by adding locale:“en-us” as a top parameter of the JSON configuration).

Sadly it didn’t make any difference and the issues stays the same.

@darkskiez What is your configuration looking like? Do you have like a lot of lights configured? I only have a IKEA tradfri gateway with one light. Is your phone running en-us?

I am running home assistant inside docker but using the host net and ipv6 public address with a correct signed certificate for ssl.

For your interest - the official bug ticket combining all other bug tickets concerning this problem:

EDIT: Just realized this is a differen project - but the sync error seems to lead to the same result in the app

EDIT 2: I fired a bug ticket myself:

@christian667 I only had one light configured as per the example output i pasted earlier.

I have more now including some scripts exposed as scenes.

I have en-us,en-gb,es-ES locales on my device.

@darkskiez I suppose it’s not depending on the phones locale settings… Which size do your keys have? I used the provided method to create the token and the client id. Did you make any adjustments to the project.json provided in the wiki?

I think my project.json has the “automation” word replaces in all three instances with the invocation name set in my google project. I’m a little scared to change it or test now I have it working!

Perhaps it needs an IPv4 address on the end point?

Oh, I have a 20 char client id and the access_token is erm… 53

when I push my app test on home control it redirects me to a black page with a {“message”: “missing project_id in redirect_uri”}

any clue?

Have you defined your project_id in the Google Assistant component? It should be the project id that the developer console generated for you.

It sounds like this thread might help with your issue.

For the record, I still cannot get past the “Could not update the setting. Please check your connection” error, despite trying everything everyone has suggested in this thread :frowning:

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@mp3llll this looks like the missing project_id / wrong project id problem (like chris-thorn mentioned).
@darkskiez my client id and my token have both the suggested 80 characters length… maybe this is too much?

I don’t think IPv6 should make any different as the first contact works and as I understand the concept the phone needs to reach the home assistant - not Google or any other entity, because they only redirect (oauth like).

I tested replacing the “automation” key word with the invocation name in all 3 instances - quite strange - this didn’t make any difference at all (I thought it might throw at least an error in the home-assistant log).

At the moment the hass log don’t print out the google assistant connection attempts, maybe they removed the output with the latest update…