Google Assistant Setup Issue - "Could not update the setting. Please check your connection"

I found a fix for the switches not being added

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I’m 11 miles from home, on 4g, not WiFi and it still doesn’t work. Still get “Couldn’t save your setting. Check your connection.”

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I’m in the same boat. My Setup:

Nginx Proxy /w ssl -> HASS

This setup is working fine for all other things. I can access hass through a public domain name with https just fine.

I go to add my app and get the “could not update the setting. PLease check your connection”

Can someone confirm:

The client id in hass’s configuration.yaml should be the same client id entered into google_actions->account-linking->client-information->client_id

and is generated with the

cat /dev/urandom|fold -w 120|head -n 1|base64 -w 0|tr -dc ‘0-9A-Za-z’|cut -c -80


I have the same setup:
Nginx Proxy /w ssl -> HASS

Since I already have nginx running on 443 I tried moving HASS to 8443 and creating a letsencrypt cert. All looks look through a web interface but I’m still getting the erro.

this is my working config using nginx proxy with ssl letsencryppt on port 443 with subdomain “

  project_id: project-ID
  client_id: project-ID
  access_token: generated random code of 80 characters
    - switch

How long is your client id? Both my token and client id do not include special characters.

mine is in total 21 characters

project_id (Required): Project ID from the Google Developer console (looks like words-2ab12)

I used the same for client id and it workds

Another project having this issue.

I deleted the google console project and restarted from scratch. Didn’t change a thing other than updating the app id in hass config since google assigned me a new one. Same token, client id, etc and working.

Not sure what the issue is, but I am having a similar issue… If I need to do something special because of being in a virtual environment… or perhaps its related to previously having the emulated hue open through port 80 (but emulated hue is no longer in my config).

Just going to keep checking this forum!

Does your mobile device have more than one Google account configured?

I’ve found that it works better if you only have the google home account on the device you’re using, and that includes the browser that it will use to authenticate.

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That is correct… perhaps I will configure from different device and see what results I get. Thanks for the tip!

*** this resolved my issue. *** I reformatted an old tablet to use only the account associated with my google home account.

To anyone experiencing this issue I appear to have found one of the causes for the “Could not update the setting. Please check your connection” error. It seems certain entities in home assistant will cause this error to appear even if there isn’t a connection problem. To eliminate this being a cause set expose by default to false then specify individual entities to expose. Examples below:

  project_id: !secret project_id
  client_id: !secret assistant_id
  access_token: !secret assistant_token
  expose_by_default: false


    google_assistant: true
    google_assistant_name: light one

This is indeed the issue. On my work phone (which has two accounts) I can’t get it done. Needed to take a tablet that just had my private account and it worked (had to try twice for some reason)

So if I wanted to control the off and on state of my account reciever, how would I do that?

I tried it, and I’m still getting the issue… Any ideas?

Ive tried all the suggestions in this thread, but none of them have fixed it for me. ive tried the method of switching to a different wifi network… ive tried expose by default, ive tried using a different phone with only one google account, but it isnt working… anyone have a fix?

I don´t know if is the same error but when I click the test app he redirects me to, I have all the ports forward, I´ve installed duckdns addon with let´s encrypt and show me this error : "this site can´t be reached tooktoo long to respond try: check the connection

I don’t think google assistant supports custom ports so you will likely need to map port 8123 internally to port 443 externally. In the project.json file make sure the address is

It works fine with custom ports, I don’t use port 443 and Google Assistant works for me.

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