Google Assistant Setup Issue - "Could not update the setting. Please check your connection"

Appreciate it!

I’ll play around with it a bit again. It works at home either way but I’d like my family to be able to set nicknames and use their phone as well.

You can allow many users as you like just follow the step I told you. for agent_user_id just put one email.

Set nickname <== what do you mean? where?

It should have worked, but I have probably done something wrong.
Nicknames for the different devices in the google home app.

      name: Test Light 1  <== name of the device to be seen in google_assistant
        - test light 1 <== voice or text command to be use with google_assistant
        - light number 1 <== voice or text command to be use with google_assistant
        - gratia light 1 <== voice or text command to be use with google_assistant
        - first light <== voice or text command to be use with google_assistant
      type: switch
      expose: true
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I know :wink:

But I want them to be able to see and change device nicknames in the home app as well.
And access it from the phone version of Google Assistant, not just the speakers.

You cannot change nicknames of the device from google home app. This can be done only in HA.

You can control devices via google assistant app by both voice and text.
By voice, turn on test light 1
By type in google assistant app, turn off first light

Yes, but you can also set one Google assistant/home specific nickname per device. It’s nit-picky but I want that to work. The first alias you set in home assistant will be placed as a “nickname” in the home app, but this can be replaced.

To be certain I just renamed my Coffee switch to “fun thing” in the home app and turned it off.

I understand what you means now. I can edit the nickname of the devices from any phone (different users).

By click the device then click on pencil icon and change the name.

That’s the one :slightly_smiling_face:

I mostly want this to work so that we both can view the devices in the google home app though.
I’ll report back once I get time to play with it. Thanks for your help!

Thank you @Sunonline!
It works now. Guessing it’s the scopes that I had missed.

Well hello everyone for those who are still facing this problem… I’ve figured what the real problem behind “Could not update the setting. Please check your connection” & “account link failed” is not the google assistant bug but one simple mistake

  • When you are trying to link your test app to the google assistant from your mobile make sure you switch to the account in “google assistant” and “google chrome” to the account from which you created the project in

  • For the guys who are facing “account link failed error” in the test app linking process its the problem with google chrome’s linked account not matching with the account you created project. Simple solution for this problem is to sign out from account linked in google chrome

If you follow the above steps im pretty sure it will solve your problem. well that how i solved mine Thankyou

Pretty sure this is one of a few causes.

Has anyone managed to get this working with a g-apps account?

I am getting the same “Could not update the setting Please check your connection” error. I notice when i try link my account inside of Google Home when I click [test] MyApp that it opens a web browser quick then it says Accounts now linked but then it also says Account Linking Failed.
I can’t figure out why this won’t work.

  1. I never have the issue with google_assistant link and unlink account until upgrade to 0.65 this is due to input_boolean: not support and also type: is not need to be in enity_config of google_assistant.

  2. link and unlink account failed again after upgrade 0.65.1, which on HA side have put support for input_boolean in google_assistant. I have delete project and create new one to be sure that it from google not from HA side, also give the same result of link account fail.

  3. back to google_assistant component setting. I have delete all my input_boolean and type on each entity_config and change to script call to activate input_boolean and try to link account. SUCCESS!!!


I finally figured my issue out. I was running a VPN service when I was trying to link my account. When I turned this off and linked it the issue went away.

So I had the same problem, created new projects, deleted old ones, changed all the creds…finally I discovered that when I updated the virus scanner on my PC (where HASS is running - I know need to ge a Pi) it turned the firewall on, so it was rejecting web connections from outside of the LAN (strangely not from inside the LAN, or for RDP from anywhere). So when I turned it off, everything magically worked again. Then I discovered it turns itself back on…stupid thing to cause a problem and I never checked because I had turned it off when I installed the virus scanner.

There also issues at the Google side… seems to be broken and not Hass… Also other apps won’t work … even changing a room on Chromecast doesn’t work

Yes, Thank you. Looks like the problem is the input_boolean with Google Assistant

I don’t follow the entire post…

I got working Google Assistant with Home Assistant two days ago…

I have no problem to control :

  • lights
  • scripts
  • input_boolean

What problem of input_boolean and Google Assistant do you refer ?

With home assistant versión 65.5 the input_boolean do not work at least in my case. I’ve commented the input boolean file and Google assistant works again