Google Assistant Setup Issue - "Could not update the setting. Please check your connection"

Had this exact same issue. except with chrome. I noticed the signin process fires up a browser and seems to just use the currently signed in user for its authentication. Of course, this will fail as the account signed into google on the browser wasn’t authenticated for the test hass app i had created. simply signing out fixed it!

good spot!!

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had exactly the same issue and your solution worked like a charm… Thanks.
Redid all the steps with HASS port updated in project.json and it just worked after that.

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Glad i managed to help someone! How are you getting on with it?

I struggled with this a week ago… The problem was that the phone used to configure the Google Home app had more than one Google accounts configured, and the account used with Google Home was different from the account assigned to Chrome (which is used for the authorization)

2 solutions are available:

  1. make sure the user assigned in the GH app is the same as the user assigned in Chrome.

  2. in the permission settings of your Google Action project, make sure all the Google accounts of your phone are assigned to the “Project / Editor” permission.

Cheers !

For me the problem was that somehow my port forwarding does not properly work. I set up a forwarding from 443 to 8123 but when trying to open the URL i need to add 8123.
So I configured everything in the setup and added :8123 to the end of my-ha-url. But I did not explicitly open the 8123 to 8123 Port in the Router (in the Setup this rule is called ha_test).
When I did that I was able to use the https:// URL and the 8123 without any error.

Hey Guys,

I have found a FIX,
on the actions on google console where you setup all the information under the top option “Actions” check the fulfillment URL, I had forgotten to add my home assistant port number to it.


The part in bold is what i forgot to add, obviously substitute your address in.

Hope this fixes things for other people too


For all of you guys having trouble linking your account and getting the “Could not update the setting” error.

I’ve been trying to get this to work for months and finally got it working.
Google assistant uses a browser on android to do it’s oath flow. If you have signed in on another google account in your default browser it may keep using that account even if you sign out. Every time I tried to link my account I would unknowingly attempt to link it to one of my other accounts. My solution is to download a new browser app, preferably never used on your device previously. When you go to add your test app in the google assistant it should ask you what browser app you want to use. Select the one you just downloaded. It should give you a sign in page. Sign in with your correct account and linking should succeed.

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i have the problem already, and got only 1 account on the phone and port 8123 in the project.json, is also see in the hass log, that the auth is true but :frowning: it doesnt add anything

After pulling my hair out for a few hours, trying most of the solutions, and still not being able to add my “[test] HASS” device, I figured out my issue and thought it might help others.

First, my symptoms were exactly the same as everyone else: Unable to add the Home Control device in Google Home on Android.

I was even able to see it hitting my HASS instance with no errors:

2018-02-16 22:17:19 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] Serving /api/google_assistant/auth to (auth: True)
2018-02-16 22:17:19 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.auth] user login in from Google Assistant

After noticing the IP was on my local network, and thinking of how OAuth works, and how forcing an “outside” connection helped others, I tried the same thing…but that didn’t work either.

I then realized my external IP may have changed, breaking my DNS. Indeed that was the cause and once I fixed that, the 3-way communication between my phone-Google-HASS worked and I was able to add the device.

(I should note that - although I was using the FQDN the entire time, DNS Host Mapping on my internal network masked the issue until I tried hitting it from outside.)

here it still does not work.
I already tried these solutions and none worked:

    1. add :8123 at the the url
    1. install a new navigator
    1. delete and create a new project
    1. client_id of all sizes and shapes

I am linking my smartphone to Google assistant. I go into the settings of Google Assistant and select Home Control. I successfully added devices if I use my Hotmail account. If I try to use my Gmail account then I get the error “Couldn’t update settings. Check your connection”.
Is this an issue specific to gmail?
I get the same on another device. Hotmail works fine and I get this error for gmail

Got it finally working thanks to Timmy_Baker solution !!!

Would like to know how to fix this as well. Its not a Gmail issue though as my actions app only works with my main Gmail…

Did you mean you got it done but want to add more users to be able to control your devices?

Yes :slightly_smiling_face:
If possible. I thought it’d work after adding the permissions, but then I get this error.

  1. After you follow the permission editor rolls.
  2. Also, I did in article 3.4 (add scope), put another email(B) and name(B) who I want to be able to control my devices. then save from top right of the page. back to test draft page.
  3. Invitation email will be sent to email(B) to activate. After activate then you can go back to email(B) phone which have google assistant app. then follow the article 7. This time email(B) will see the [test]name in smart home skill and devices will load and be able to use.

Thanks! Still getting the error though.
Do I need to edit the “agent_user_id” in configuration.yaml?

this is google_assistant setting.

  project_id: !secret google_project_id <== the project name from google
  client_id: !secret google_client_id  <== this create from ssh " $ cat /dev/urandom | fold -w 120 | head -n 1 | base64 -w 0 | tr -dc '0-9A-Za-z' | cut -c -80 "
  access_token: !secret google_access_token  <== this create from ssh " $ cat /dev/urandom | fold -w 120 | head -n 1 | base64 -w 0 | tr -dc '0-9A-Za-z' | cut -c -80 "
  agent_user_id: !secret google_agent_user_id  <== I use email. the same emailA from ADD SCOPE in google
  api_key: !secret google_homegraph_api_key <=== from homegraph api
  exposed_domains:  <== I didn't use this anymore but to check if all devices from these domain works well with google assistant
    - switch
    - light
    - scene
    - script
    - media_player
    - climate
    - cover
    - fan
    - group

Do you list the emails?

  - [email protected]
  - [email protected]
  - [email protected]

only 1 email your main email that create project. That is what I put there ^^

After put everything correct here if still error. You have to go and check at gaction.

Lastly, don’t forget to reboot.