Google Assistant trouble shooting

Yes Google is a bastard with doing that and changing keywords and it’s a shame any word you have defined does not override their settings. I’ve had to change some of my commands because of this a few times in the last year.

well, i was able to overrule command
for example, i was able to overrule the word/command “volume up” , normally “volume up”, turns up the volume of the google speaker, in my case , when i say volume up , my volume of my TV is changing :slight_smile:

also @Lastof , maybe they are now blocking some words
also , new example, also since last weekend i cant say anymore “stop screens” , while i still can say “screens up” or “screens omhoog”

but if i say “Stop screens ON” then it works

  name: Stop Screens
  #room: screens
    - Stop Screens
    - Stop Shutter
  name: Screens omhoog
  #room: screens
    - Screens omhoog
    - Screens up

ifttt , is indeed an another approach, if this doesnt work anymore like it should work, but then again, IFTTT is not available in our language :frowning:

Yeah. I’d really like to be able to ask it to add things to my shopping list and not be forced to use google’s crappy one (you can’t even sort the list! I have to go back to isles so often when I spot something else I walked past!). But no, most of the good phrases for adding to a list use theirs, which doesn’t even have a published API, so short of backwards engineering it and hoping it doesn’t change there is no way to make it useful.

What really annoys me is that half the time when I find they’ve reserved a keyword it just response “I don’t know how to do that yet”, which I assume means “We think we might use this in the future, so no one else can in case we decide to in a year or two”. Gah!

google “task and notes” integration is coming verry soon, then from the assistant you can actually choose your shoplist provider, have a look here ,
i now use google keep instead of google shopping list, much better

this one :

Seriously? How does IFTTT even need language restrictions? Since you select the phrase that triggers it yourself surely they could just make it work? I’m sure the getting google to understand a language takes some work to do, but once it does I don’t get how all these features get locked to specific languages. Most of them seem like if they work on one they should work on them all.

Good to see they are adding other list options. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if they lock it to US English at first too (maybe eventually the option to use other accents will stop only being available to a limited number of people, then I can just use the US English option with the UK English accent)

yeah, probaly US only at first, but its coming, thats positive
well , seems IFTTT is using somekind of API, and its up to Google to change it, so we can actually choose the language in IFTTT, i am already waiting for a long time, since that Google Keep custom component, must be used by IFTTT, since you are using variables in your voice comand

Like , Hey Google , add BLABLA to the shoplist; i dont think this can be do done native in HA? and you need IFTTT for that
so i still 1 have one IFTTT applet active, but in US language :slight_smile:

Interesting to see from that Keep component that IFTTT seems to be overriding google’s command behaviour (In my experience asking “Add $ to the grocery list” would just add a new list called grocery to the, which would be complain at me “Error: Your region doesn’t have access to Google Express”). I’ll have to play with that next time google is being a jerk about a command.

yes, i can override also other commands verry easy, like “volume up”, you dont need IFTTT for that
with routines its not possible, but if you just name your switch , like “Volume up” , then you can override
it can only be done with switches, not with scenes/scripts , since you always need to say “activate xxxx”

its because, for a switch , to turn it ON, you dont need to say the ON word, only to turn OFF a switch you need to say the OFF word
so if you create a switch called “volume up” , normally you would need to say : “volume up ON”, but saying “volume up” also works, so thats my override :slight_smile:

@pergola.fabio thanks for the update!

thnx to @Lastof , he found out :slight_smile:

I’ve just discovered that Google Assistant now support Open/Close command for covers/Blinds.

Do you think that is possible to implement this in HA?

Wasn’t lock not already implemented? I see the option there , not sure about cover, I hope it becomes available soon, I also want to use the open / close word… Not sure where the change needs to be done, since we can already expose the domain cover

The docs say cover is working via on/off/set brightness, and looking at the code here it does seem to be working covers via on/off/brightness, so looks like it’d need updating.

I’d imagine it wouldn’t be a difficult fix. Not sure what the correct way is to request a tweak to the feature. There is the Feature Request forum here, and not sure what HA’s preference is for using GitHub issues for what is basically a request for a new addition/tweak. Best way really would be for someone who wanted it to write the code and submit it as a pull request.

Well, going to have a look at the code,and maybe load it as a custom component :wink: shouldn’t be that hard, just replace on by open and off by close :wink:

@Lastof, you loaded Google assistant as a custom , component right? Did you just download that folder and placed it in custom_component folder without renaming the file and folder? Because with 88 the naming convention is different now? Not?

I just dropped the whole google_assistant folder in to custom_components. I believe that HA overwrites any existing component if it finds an equivalent there, so you just want to make sure the location is the same as in the components folder in the sourcecode/github.

Yeah, still confused when I need to rename…
For example, I also have the as a custom one…
Before it was indeed like the original so remote\ , now it needs to be harmony\…i wonder why Google_assistant doesn’t needs to be changed

I think because google_assistant is already using the new system. i.e., google_assistant/ is implementing a type of http component.

Originally they were using a system of type_of_component/specific_instance (i.e., remote/, now they’ve decided its better to do specific_instance/type (i.e., harmony/ since there are so many things that are multiple types of things HA supports. (for example, using the old system the google_assistant component might have it’s files in 5 different folders, where as now they are all in one place). If you look at github harmony is now harmony/ there.

I’m not sure when they started using the new system for new components, the big change is they have decided to move all the old components to use the new naming system. There are still some things in the old “type” file folders, my guess would be that they will all be moved over the next few releases and the “this will stop working soon” warning will then come into effect.