Google Cast error - Unable to find a view with path xxxx

I’ve been programming this for the past day in YAML. It’s working 80% of the time for me, and it shows the lovelace view!!! The script I’m using to get this working is as below (note the use of single quotation marks around the view number. Did this as I couldn’t get URL path name working).

Give my YAML code a try and it’ll hopefully work for you too. I’m on Hassio v0.104.4

    alias: Home Assistant Cast to Kitchen Display
      - service: media_player.turn_off
          entity_id: media_player.nest_hub_max
      - delay:
          seconds: 1
      - service: cast.show_lovelace_view
          entity_id: media_player.nest_hub_max
          view_path: '8'
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I use a similar script to the one @sebdoan uses, for me it works around 60%. When it doesn’t work, I also get an error “unable to find a view…”.

Hope this will be fixed soon.

Having the same issue however found that if I start up, select the target (media player) but not the ‘Source’ (the lovelace view/path), I can cast whatever I want either manually or through automations.

The interface also mirrors what ‘Source’ is being viewed/cast. It’s not perfect but should work ok.

I just installed 0.105.2 and I can say the latest instance is a lot less stable for this casting feature vs 0.104.3

It now only works 10% of the time.

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Glad to hear I can stop beating my head against that wall and wait for a better release. I just started trying to use it for the first time.

I’m still on 0.105.2 but after several days the casting feature seems to get more solid with time. It’s about 50-70% reliable atm.

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My problem is still that we need to authorize through, which is a manual process. I really hope that it can be automated somehow, so we just have to call the ‘cast.show_lovelace_view’ and the path needed.

I’ve never needed to do that

Then I need your expertise :+1:… I Simply can’t get it working without.

So without doing anything you can just go to the develop tool, services and select the ‘cast.show_lovelace_view’ and then call the entity of your nest hub using the View either by name or number?

This one here works with iOS or anything from Lovelace:

              - type: custom:button-card
                icon: mdi:home-assistant
                name: System
                  action: call-service
                  service: script.casthomeassistant
              - type: custom:button-card
                icon: mdi:weather-cloudy
                name: Weather
                  action: call-service
                  service: script.castweather

Script looks like this:

  alias: Cast Home Assistant
  - data:
      entity_id: media_player.lounge_room_tv
      view_path: home_assistant
    service: cast.show_lovelace_view
  alias: Cast Weather
  - data:
      entity_id: media_player.lounge_room_tv
      view_path: weather
    service: cast.show_lovelace_view

Other way is (only works on a cast device like chrome) You have to select the device and then you can cast to it:

          - type: entities
            title: Chromecast Control
            show_header_toggle: false
              - type: cast
                name: System
                view: "home_assistant"
                hide_if_unavailable: false
              - type: cast
                name: Weather
                view: "weather"
                hide_if_unavailable: false

So I was excited to get home and try your approach and… voila, it worked on the very first try.
Unfortunately I kept it running over night, and this morning when I wanted to try again - same script, it “failed”. It shows the Home Assistant luvs Nabu Casa and then it says ‘Connected’. While that might be true, it still doesn’t show the lovelace view I want to cast.
So once again I have to open a Browser, head to and authorize and cast a lovelace view. When that is done, then I can fire your script and it will work. Also with different views - probably until the authorization is “expired” :frowning:

I was having the same problems. I gave up using the cast.show_lovelace_view service. Instead I use CATT : Using CATT and it has been working just great.

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It can take 30 seconds after it shows connected to cast the card… Just leave it there and wait a bit.

I have now waited for more than one hour and it still shows the luv screen and ‘Connected’.
So there must be something else wrong.

Do I need to set up some auth_trust to leave out the authorization process with, could that be it or don’t you have that in your conf?

I don’t have anything in my config.

Damn :frowning:

Then I’m lost…

Try using a path number rather than a a name like mentioned in this post above Google Cast error - Unable to find a view with path xxxx

It stopped altogether for me, I simply see “Connected” and nothing else.

anyone else having this issue?

I rebooted both the hub and the server.

@Maxi1134 I can confirm this has also happened to my system. I am using the Nabu-Casa generated URL.

I would also like to add that i am now using version 0.106.2. Same issue.

Same results for me, while using Nabu Casa, but having your own reverse proxy doesn’t make any difference either. Casted through front-end and through gives the same result.

I am only able to fire up “HOME” which doesn’t reflect the HOME i built earlier. Any other page (even with numbers in path/url) ends up with “Error: Unable to find a view with path X”.

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