Google Home Hue Setup Change?

Hi everyone,

I’m planning to buy some Xiaomi Wall Switches and use hass + emulated hue to control them from Google Home. I’m also planning on buying a real Hue bridge + bulbs.

Can anyone confirm it well be possible to control the two bridges (real + emulated) from Google Home (sorry if this is already answered, the discussion is a bit hard to follow). If positive, is it working with the current Google Home apk?

Thanks in advance.

I can confirm you do not need a hue bridge to get things up and running. I simply installed habridge and afterwards installed an older version of Google Home on my S7 ( and presto: everything works :slight_smile:

He implied he’s buying Hue bulbs too so will need the bridge, just not for the Xiaomi gear.

@fversteegen thanks for the answer, I’ll probably not going to go that way if an old apk is necessary (I would be forced to upgrade at one point or another).

@Bobby_Nobble you’re right, but I guess it answers my question anyway.

It’s probably worth a subject on his own, but Emulated Hue seems like a fragile and limited solution to interface with Google Home (not discarding the hard work done obviously). It’s a shame the Google Home connected devices (or whatever it’s called) API seems to be locked to some selected partners. It would be awesome to have the same level of integration with Home Assistant, but I guess it’s a uphill struggle to get Google attention without a big commercial name.

No need to stay on that old version! As soon as you have done the setup you can go to the latest version and everything still works :slight_smile:

Ha good to know, my question about controlling both bridges at the same time remains then.

I have a Hue hub, and use Emulated Hue. I have not tried controlling both independently, but I do control the Hue devices through Emulated Hue (so Google Home -> Emulated Hue -> Hue Hub -> Hue Bulb). Response time is just as quick as far as I can tell. I only really use on/off though, so I can’t comment on any functional loss from that approach.

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Hi, can we use emulated hue for Google Home and Echo dot together. I have both devices and I’d love to use emulated hue for both.

It’s like you didn’t even try :smiley:
A quick search through the forum and you will find the answer.

Any progress on this?

There is still not a way how to setup Google Assistant to work with Home Assistant without philips hue and/or Google Home physical device, right?


Did anyone already install that mandatory update? Am a bit afraid it will permanently destroy the HAbridge integration…

How to get emulated hue to work without an Android phone

I’ve just spend a few hours on trying to get this to work and I finally got it to work. I’m an iOS + Mac user and couldn’t get any earlier version of the Google Home App to install on iOS despite many suggested methods online. I’ve tried running Google Home in an emulator but couldn’t access WiFi from the emulator. I’ve set up VirtualBox with Android x86 but couldn’t still get it to work. What worked for me was to

  1. Download Remix OS (Android x86) iso file from (torrent)
  2. Create a bootable USB stick (minimum 8gb) using UNetbootin (
  3. Restart my MacBook Pro and pressing alt button when booting
  4. Selecting EFI option from the menu
  5. Selecting guest mode from Remix OS boot menu
  6. Setup everything that’s being asked about such as WiFi etc
  7. When being asked to activate google play services answer yes
  8. Install latest Google Home app
  9. Add Philips Hue bridge from Home Control pair and wait for activation…

That’s it! no need to use an old side loaded APK or anything like that.

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Hi, I installed older version of Google Home and the app forces you to upgrade when I went into Google Home → Settings.

Is this the same for everyone?

So does this mean that Google has forced everyone to pair with hue account so truely local config / setup not available we are forced for Google Home to communicate with the internet to Phillips Hue?

Emulated_hue has no communication with Phillips hue, it just makes third party devices think it’s taking to a hue hub

This is so frustrating, I have ditched Emulated_hue to go for HAbridge now I am not sure which is best?

Can I ask Google Home by voice to run a script with Emulated_hue?

How do you add devices in the Google Home app without Phillips Hue account?

HABridge has a user interface where do you add devices etc with Emulated_hue?

The end result for both is the same, run whatever you like, scripts, lights, whatever.

Habridge is a separate app, emulated_hue is a proper ha component and a lot consider it has made habridge redundant but equally a lot still like it. Habridge a lot more effort to set up but like you say has a front end. I can see advantages in both but emulated_hue works perfectly for me.

Read the ha component doc to see how to set up emulated_hue and if you search here you’ll find numerous explanations of how Google messed up Home discovery and what you need to do to get it working.

@fversteegen I have habridge up and running added homeassistant in the config and the devices are working within the habrdige webinterface. I have added googlehome in the configuration.yaml and is running on port 80 http://has.ip/api/pi/lights is showing also all the devices properly.

Installed your provided apk and run google assistant which then went to the hue site to detect the hue bridge but nothing is happening. (I dont have any physical devices)

Can you provide some clear guide/steps?

Thank you.

Whole point of the old app is it doesn’t make you go to the hue site.

I have the same, google home app forces to upgrade so the trick using an older version doesn’t work any more I think.

You are bang on Google have stopped people using older version forcing an upgrade you cannot cancel upgrade!