Google Music in HA -- Now as a media player!

Hi! sorry but maybe I bent badly. it doesn’t work for me too …
only @troy can help us

@shamseer @Achille.858 Hey guys

This is the problem here… failed to login – Nothing else will work until you have successful login.

You should use the username and password you have used to sign up for Google Music…

If your Google account use 2FA then your will need to create/use an app password instead of your Google password

I think i miss one settings . please see below image

May i know will it automatically effect or we need to add manually. If need manually can you please send how to ??

I am happy now finally i installed Success…
now i have showing one error again …

let me know how can i setup this

Please see this section in the first post

I have Done . Now showing my complete play list and stations all …

now the issue failed to get URL for Track…
How can i fix this Issue

Are any stations working?

Please try this, in HACS – Try upgrading to master ( select from menu ) – you need to restart HA but there is nothing to change in configuration – Just install update and restart HA then try again

I have tried Radio station … Accessing songs and changing the cover photo also .but Suddenly Stopped … I am using speaker Google Home Mini …

I will try to change MASTER and update to you what is the status

Stopped or skipped to next song before the current song is over?

This has become an issue for almost everybody at this point – We are using gmusicproxy ( separate add-on ) to work around this issue. I do not use but there are some basic steps for gmusicproxy if you click on this section in the first post

After updating to Master .kindly Find the bellow errors

Please try adding the gmusicproxy add on – I suspect you will need this to prevent song skipping anyways

but gmusicproxy will also provide better functions to get URL for tracks

Installed Gmusic proxy …now there is showing wait 3600 sec .

I will check after . I am not well and i have no more idea about coding and programming…

i have no idea how can i do this …

any way i will try . because i have finished 95 % work …

if you give me suggestion how can i do this commands it more help for me

i just installed Gmusic proxy and restart HA …
After that playlist and radio also playing (with out stop)cover image also but no sound …
i can press next song previous song every think


Find the image

getting closer…
Check volume maybe?

or do you have different speaker to try – from the looks all should be working

Is there any errors in the HA logs?

Volume is okay 100 %

media_player.bedroom_speaker (this is the entity of my google home mini )
media_player.gmusic_player (this is the entity for Gmusic)

when i am trying test to speak if selected 1 st entity it is working well … (media_player.bedroom_speaker )
but when i changing entity to (media_player.gmusic_player) not working)

i think my speaker set up have any issue …

Unfortunately i have no other speaker for testing

there is no any other issues all working well …

Maybe there is just some confusion then…

This is media_player.gmusic_player it will control songs ( play stop next back ) but this does not have any sound – This should not be in your list of speakers – Also Text to speak does work from media_player.gmusic_player

If music plays correctly when bedroom_speaker is selected in the speaker list then yes everything should be working…

I get the following error:

Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/gmusic_player/", line 406, in _update_sources
  File "/config/custom_components/gmusic_player/", line 431, in _update_playlists, input_select.SERVICE_SET_OPTIONS, data)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1170, in call
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 435, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 384, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1209, in async_call
    processed_data = handler.schema(service_data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 208, in __call__
    return self._exec((Schema(val) for val in self.validators), v)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 287, in _exec
    raise e if self.msg is None else AllInvalid(self.msg, path=path)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 283, in _exec
    v = func(v)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 272, in __call__
    return self._compiled([], data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 817, in validate_callable
    return schema(data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 272, in __call__
    return self._compiled([], data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 594, in validate_dict
    return base_validate(path, iteritems(data), out)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/voluptuous/", line 432, in validate_mapping
    raise er.MultipleInvalid(errors)
voluptuous.error.MultipleInvalid: length of value must be at least 1 for dictionary value @ data['options']

I have multiple playlists in my google music account

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@Cinamon Hello, this pops up randomly from time to time. I even see it myself sometimes. At this point I have not been able to track down the cause.

Please check if script.gmusic_sync_media has been loaded. It may be possible to use this for retrieving the playlist, even after receiving this error.

Hi Troy, this component is awesome and I use it a lot. Just wondering if something similar will be possible for YouTube Music when Google Play Music is finally shut down…?

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I updated HA from 112.4 to 113.1 today as well as updating this component via HACS but I’m seeing a lot of debug info in the log and HA is taking a very long time to restart… then HA reverts back to 112.4. Not sure if this is due to this component or a 113.1 issue but given the massive log regarding this component, just wanted to see what the thoughts are here.

Log during attempt to upgrade to HA 113.1:

2020-07-27 11:11:47 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [gmusicapi.Mobileclient1] GetDeviceManagementInfo(args=, kwargs={‘required_auth’: [False, False, False, True]})
2020-07-27 11:11:48 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [gmusicapi.Mobileclient1] {‘kind’: ‘sj#userClientIdList’, ‘data’: {‘items’: [{‘kind’: ‘sj#devicemanagementinfo’, ‘id’: ‘0x3953611ee30b068c’, ‘friendlyName’: ‘Telstra SM-G981B’, ‘type’: ‘ANDROID’, ‘lastAccessedTimeMs’: ‘1594697935789’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#devicemanagementinfo’, ‘id’: ‘0x30b156138fe0f8dd’, ‘friendlyName’: ‘Telstra SM-G981B’, ‘type’: ‘ANDROID’, ‘lastAccessedTimeMs’: ‘1592642452439’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#devicemanagementinfo’, ‘id’: ‘0x3fe65a49dc3b472e’, ‘friendlyName’: ‘No carrier SM-T510’, ‘type’: ‘ANDROID’, ‘lastAccessedTimeMs’: ‘1592577167062’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#devicemanagementinfo’, ‘id’: ‘0x3da7925955ee2775’, ‘friendlyName’: ‘Telstra SM-G930F’, ‘type’: ‘ANDROID’, ‘lastAccessedTimeMs’: ‘1588932029944’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#devicemanagementinfo’, ‘id’: ‘0x33955df8031a167e’, ‘friendlyName’: ‘Telstra SM-G930F’, ‘type’: ‘ANDROID’, ‘lastAccessedTimeMs’: ‘1587990040797’}]}}
2020-07-27 11:11:48 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [gmusicapi.Mobileclient1] authenticated
2020-07-27 11:11:48 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [gmusicapi.Mobileclient1] Config(args=, kwargs={‘required_auth’: [False, False, False, True]})
2020-07-27 11:11:48 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [gmusicapi.Mobileclient1] {‘kind’: ‘sj#configList’, ‘data’: {‘entries’: [{‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘canManageFP’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘shouldShowLocalSuggestions’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘purchaseAccess’, ‘value’: ‘3’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘sideloadedPlaybackLogging’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isWarmWelcomeDisabledForWoodstock’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘forceSignupFlow’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isNautilusUser’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isLNEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘canCancelSubscription’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘ytContent’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘nashvillebg’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘partridgeAccess’, ‘value’: ‘2’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isVsAvailable’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘canBrowseSt’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘warmWelcomeButtonText’, ‘value’: ‘LISTEN_NOW’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘appstoreRatingPrompt’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘nautilusExpirationTimeMs’, ‘value’: ‘1598091004921’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isTrAvailable’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isInAppMessageEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘disableInfoCardsOnDayOne’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘partridgeUpsellTitle’, ‘value’: ‘Unlimited music for you and your family’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘canRC’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘nuqRequiredForWsSignup’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘searchClusterResponseEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableWsExtras’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘accountType’, ‘value’: ‘Unlimited, Individual’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘topListMaxSize’, ‘value’: ‘500’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘manageFPBackendId’, ‘value’: ‘2’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘partridgeUpsellBody’, ‘value’: ‘Subscribe to Google Play Music family plan to give up to 6 people access to millions of songs, ad-free, for just A$17.99/month.’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isSuggestRequestEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘showLMark’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘conciergeListenNow’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘minimumAppStartCountForFreeUpsell’, ‘value’: ‘6’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘experimentIdsToLog’, ‘value’: ‘12600325,12600335,12600357,12600365,12600390,12600394,12600397,12600426,12600428,12600430,12600444,12600465,12600466,12600467,12600506,12600526,12600530,12600536,12602068,12604244,12604245,12604246,12611729,12612188,12612209,12612247,12616614,12616615,12617467,12619023,12619033,12619127,12620830,12625361,12625500,12625941,12626008,12626945,12627951,12628654,12629142,12629667,12630065,12630209,12631091,12632064,12632720,12633320,12634000,12635213,12636020,12641836,12641837,12642809,12643537,12648818,12649047,12650284,12650285,12652170,12653224,12653393,12653567,12655808,12656567,12657925,12658555,12658847,12660587,12664007,12664178,12664317,12664580,12667660,12669086,12669482,12671098,12672319,12672324,12672325,12672332,12672782,12673278,12673485,12673574,12673925,12674608,20350006’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isExplicitRestrictedByPControl’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isAnyServiceAvailable’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘pieDayOneCard’, ‘value’: ‘NO_EXPERIMENT’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘showYoutubeRedInfoCard’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isAcceptedUser’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘appStartCountForFreeUpsell’, ‘value’: ‘250’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘concListenNow’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘wsAccess’, ‘value’: ‘1’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘instantSearchDelay’, ‘value’: ‘300’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPodcastSyncEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘topListUpdatePeriodSeconds’, ‘value’: ‘604800’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isSuggestDeletionEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidTvEntityPageSize’, ‘value’: ‘10’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘shouldShowServerSuggestions’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘situationsResponseTTLMinutes’, ‘value’: ‘30’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPlSharingEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isFoplessNautilusUser’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘showLNInSettings’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘appStartCountForFreeUpsellRevisionNumber’, ‘value’: ‘1459804296734’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘mgRPB’, ‘value’: ‘Improve your recommendations’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘mgRPBDesc’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘ytSubscriptionAccess’, ‘value’: ‘3’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘partridgeUpsellCallToAction’, ‘value’: ‘LEARN MORE’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘partridgeManagement’, ‘value’: ‘2’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘manageFPBackendDocId’, ‘value’: ‘Scyaaaaaa’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isDeviceVersionBlacklisted’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘shouldEnableThriller’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘minimumGsaVersionRequiredForSoundSearch’, 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‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘hasNewUserQuizPermission’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘persistentSubscriptionTrackUserLimit’, ‘value’: ‘100001’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘shouldValidateMediaRoutes’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘mediaRoutePackageSignatures’, ‘value’: ‘[{“packages”: [“”, “”, “”], “sha1s”: [“38918A453D07199354F8B19AF05EC6562CED5788”, “58E1C4133F7441EC3D2C270270A14802DA47BA0E”]}, {“packages”: [“com.sonos.acr”], “sha1s”: [“7387C9EB17CC5972F2B2FDF3E192884A78F24E7E”, “62E2D848EF6FD0F8978F650D5DF9605786E26673”, “9407A78494B106461537E1FC4E5D877E5ABCC7B3”, “B6EA208733731F0CA8A123155830457C876130C4”, “B703697E509B186616D83E978064A7A4F8D18775”]}]’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableFallbackForShortUrls’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableStreamInterception’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableStructuredLogging’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableHttpsAlbumArt’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isUpgradeTempCacheForKeeponEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableCQ’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘castReceiverAppId’, ‘value’: ‘2872939A’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosHashCastAppContext’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableWoodstockCloudQueue’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableBackgroundDownloading’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableRadioDownloads’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosRadioDownloadsAlwaysUseDownloadedSongs’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosRadioDownloadsEagerRefill’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosRadioDownloadsBatchSize’, ‘value’: ‘25’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosRadioDownloadsReadyPercent’, ‘value’: ‘80’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableGPMAudioPlayer’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableGPMAudioPlayerFMP4’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableAndroidChromecastCloudQueue’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableAndroidChromecastCloudQueueWoodstock’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableAndroidDialCloudQueue’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableSonos’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableMpsOverride’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableReportAllPlayEventsInRealtime’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘askForNautilusCancellationReason’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘autoDogfoodStackCandidate’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableDGEvaluation’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableAdaptiveHome’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableAdaptiveHome’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableOkHttp’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isSyncLoggingEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableOnePushSync’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableOnepushNew’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableGcmRegistrationNew’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableEntitySuggest’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableEntitySuggest’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘musicFeedbackLogs’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPrimesOdysseyEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPrimesClearcutEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPrimesMemoryEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPrimesLatencyLoggingEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosEnableStickyNav’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableStickyNav’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableAdaptiveHomeForMediaBrowser’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableFastFirstTrack2’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableDownloadLatencyLogging’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enablePlayQualityIcon’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableFmp4AacOnPlaybackV1’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableFmp4AacOnPlaybackV2’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosMinimumBackgroundFetchIntervalSeconds’, ‘value’: ‘0’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘syncExperimentsToLogViaSyncService’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableSilentFeedback’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘headphoneRecommendationNotification’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidEnableEntityBrowserForMediaBrowser’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableDynamicOffers’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘enableDynamicOffersWithCoupons’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘disableULRReportingiOS’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘iosForegroundLocationFetchTimeoutMs’, ‘value’: ‘0’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isBtAutoplaySettingEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isWaitForSyncAfterSignupEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPrimesCrashEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPrimesPackageEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘androidMediaStoreMismatchRecovery’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘show_fake_fsi’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘fake_fsi_title’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘fake_fsi_body’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘fake_fsi_background_url’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘fake_fsi_logo_url’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘fake_fsi_positive_action_text’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘fake_fsi_positive_action_url’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘fake_fsi_dismissal_action_text’, ‘value’: ‘’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘redirect_get_nautilus_enabled’, ‘value’: ‘true’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isDownloadedOnlyModeToggleChangePingEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isDownloadedOnlyModeSessionStartPingEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘music_fcm_private_api_key’, ‘value’: ‘AIzaSyC26tD_hHAxYIR1ZpGA8l7L2_Pk3G8eaFA’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isLockoutEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isTransferInMenuEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}, {‘kind’: ‘sj#configEntry’, ‘key’: ‘isPersistentNotificationsEnabled’, ‘value’: ‘false’}]}}
2020-07-27 11:11:48 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [gmusicapi.Mobileclient1] subscribed