Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

hello, i have the same problem as you solved?

Start over from scratch!

I redid everything from scratch again, just in case Iā€™d slipped up elsewhere, and I have no idea what I did differently but it now works - using the nabu casa address without port number and with the /auth/external/callback path appended

I logged in from nabucasa and copied the address into the browser. I removed /lovelace and added /auth/external/callback

Last month when I went to try this, I paid the $5 and made it halfway through the instructions before I saw it needed to be externally available.

@allenporter, you changed the verbage recently but unfortunately it is still not clear to me if this is a requirement or not

It says local ip, so I am guessing that means I can start from scratch and use my local ip as the authorized redirect uri? And that an externally available home assistant is no longer a requirement for the integration?

Apologies for you trying to clear it up in the PR and me just being more confused now :wink:

I fail to see how this integration could possibly work from a private IP!
Google needs to know your public FQDN to know itā€™s you and not meā€¦

Yeah I think there was some confusion on the HA side since really oauth shouldnā€™t care but Google puts limitations on allowed redirect URIs as dbrunt said.

See for discussion, which I realized later was missing the Google side requirements of a public redirect url

Got it, thanks, need to decide if it is worth it now :slight_smile:

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Just open your port and add 2FA to your HA account and no worries. Depending on your firewall, you could narrow access to only from Google IP ranges, if youā€™re not using the HA sopā€¦

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Yea, not hard, just unsure if it is worth it at this time without knowing what automation I actually need for the thermostat other than getting a pretty graph (which is worth it probably)

You may seen the announcement already. But Google and Samsung did announce that Nest products will integrate with Smartthings soon - some time in January is what was indicated. I have decided to wait for that, rather than take on these challenges. But, of course, I am not a programmer, soā€¦

Iā€™ve been following this discussion regarding the external access requirement. I was considering going the Nabu Casa route, but I was hoping to toggle external access only when Iā€™m not home.
Once the initial setup is made, does the external access always have to be available?

THanks for making this. I got my doorbell and thermostats to work. My Nest Hub Max is not showing up for whatever reason.

Also a second home account I have in Google is automatically getting added into HASS. How can I exclude select devices?

@platup My impression is that (1) there probably is not any actual communication back form google to your host / port as part of the OAuth protocol beyond verifying the redirect url is a domain you own and (2) once you have a valid oauth token there is no communication needed.

I have a time delay of about 7 seconds in the video doorbell stream, can this be improved a bit? will it also be possible to integrate face recognition, bell signals and movement?

@kallejoken The next release of home assistant (in the active beta right now 1.0.0b1 and beyond) includes support for device automations via triggers on person, motion, sound, and doorbell chime. You can see the beta docs here which will make it to prod when that version ships.

As for delay, it is unclear to me if that is a problem with the rtsp stream returned or additional buffering happening inside of Home Assistant. Iā€™m working on some other stability issues (big rewrite in a pending PR in how the HA camera, and stream components interact with nest due to expiring urls), and can look into that but nest isnā€™t doing anything special. Itā€™s just handing the stream url returned from the API to home assistant.

Update 2021-01-08: future versions use nest event images to solve latency problems


cool thank you for the detailed information !! top work that is done here ā€¦

The Nest Integration documentation is now updated with improved step by step instructions and screenshots, pulling in the great work from Maartenā€™s blog post ā€“ hopefully that makes his work easier to find and helps everyone through the complex process.


After working for the last couple weeks where do I even start to troubleshoot this now? I havenā€™t heard of anyone thatā€™s had it stop working once itā€™s working yet.

Edit fixed!
Tried reboots nothing worked still just removed integration and re added integration and it works again. Hopefully this doesnā€™t keep happening.

I think there is currently a nest API problem so youā€™re not alone here.

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How should I configure the device triggers?
Is it just a matter of filling in project and device id?: ā€œnameā€ : ā€œenterprises/project-id/devices/device-idā€.
My Nest Hello and Thermostat are already integrated and work well.

But when trying to use the Nest Hello as device trigger in an automation, the triggers are greyed out.