Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Only 8 times???

Har Har. Its way higher than that. Except I canā€™t make more than 8 projects with Google (limit of 10 and I want to keep 2 for just in case.) I guess Iā€™ll keep beating my head against the wall. I appreciate your help.

What to do you mean by ā€œold settingsā€?

@sojhinn try following these settings:

Also, do a reboot of the devices first so you are starting from a clean slate.
If you have had BadNest installed, remove all links/integrations to it before doing anything else

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Thanks for the reply. I was following your instructions (very carefully several times, and again just now). Still coming up with 0 devices and entities. What I did find interesting was if I enter the wrong subscriber id (123456) HA will tell me I have successfully completed the integration. But if I have the correct one it doesnā€™t. I am fairly certain it has something to do with the subscription ID.

Hi, make sure you are running the latest HA version. The error messages are improved, and you should see something in the logs if you got the subscription information wrong. More improvements in the next release tooā€¦

Beta or Release for the update?

Iā€™m thinking of 2020.12 and newer. Good luck and happy to help troubleshoot.

i added this to my configuration.yaml

i donā€™t use nabu casa
but just my own domain name
(also no duckdns)

Apply for more projects. Google approved me very quickly, 5 to 10 minutes.

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Upgraded to beta. Retried the steps again. Nothing. It seems like HA canā€™t complete the integration with the subscriber_id. When I click allow. The window closes, but HA doesnā€™t say that the integration was successfully created. If I put a random sequence for the subscriber_id it will.

Apologies, you might have said this - but did you

  1. delete all existing nest and gcp projects related to this
  2. restart HA
  3. go through the instructions exactly as described on the updated NEST integration page (not ones from this thread)

I was having similar issues 3 days ago to what you described, retried many times. Once I deleted everything and restarted, got it working in 18 minutes (my wife timed me between cries of frustration and shouts of joy).

  1. I have. I can redo that again.
  2. Too many times to count now.
  3. Iā€™ve done the ones from this thread and the integration page as well.

Project id is below the name of my project.
Client id: is the oauth in the picture which I got by enabling the api
client secret is from the same spot but I wonā€™t be showing that.
pub/sub: was for the subscription

Anything in your error log? It shouldnā€™t ever completely silently fail in the latest versions. Additionally, following the troubleshooting steps on the integration guide to increase logging should get you something something.

After 28 hours. I decided to test this on my Raspberry Pi 4 instead of the mac. It immediately fired up. No issues. So it looks like a permissions issue on my mac. Maybe Iā€™ll just say screw it and just roll with it on the pi. Thanks everyone.

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I stopped counting after 20ā€¦

Youā€™re missing/doing something incorrectly. Iā€™ve successfully gotten the integration working by following this guide and also via Townsmcp guide. As you re-perform the steps for the umpteenth time, can you document them in notepad with details of exactly what you did and then post that here? IMO, the only item you really need to obvuscate when posting is your client_secret:ā€¦

Started working after a rebootā€¦

I use this and works good

So I had everything working with the new nest integration for the past couple weeks. Then this morning it stopped suddenly. The error Iā€™m getting is below. Anyone else see this happening?

## Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: homeassistant.components.nest
Source: components/nest/
Integration: Nest ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 6:29:52 AM (228 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:29:14 AM

Subscriber error: Access token failure: 400, message='Bad Request', url=URL('')
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