Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

I haven’t run into this s yet but someone else mentioned something similar. The next HA release (2021.01?) handles auth failures by allowing you to reauthenticate in the UI, but still curious why your tokens are suddenly invalid. Typically this would only happen if they were revoked, or if adding some security features to your account invalidated them. In the mean time, you may need to remove and readd the integration to repair until reauth flow lands.

I have created an automation system that turns on the exterior lighting when you press the bell. however, the press doorbell option does not work in an automated system. is this known? who still has the problem? maybe this is also related to the stream time delay?

Not known, folks appear to have it working generally. Maybe you could share more details about what your automation looks like.

(I do observe some extra latency on notifications that want to include images, which is a known issue due to stream load time, but otherwise they generally work fine)

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Hi Allen,

Is this a widespread problem (auth token refresh failure), or something only applying to me and/or a subset of users? (Note that I am not using Nabu Casa.)

I’m happy to try and fix it locally and to publish the solution I find here.


Can someone tell me whether the “nest_event” events issued by the Nest integration are tagged at the right level of abstraction for HA? The events are tagged by the “device_id” of the camera, as opposed to being tagged by the corresponding entity (e.g., camera.living_room).

It seems odd to me that an event listener would need to access the device registry in order to listen for camera events, but I’m not familiar with the HA philosophy on its various levels of abstraction.

I’m trying to judge whether it is worth building device registry access into AppDaemon (which I have hacked in locally so that I can process the Nest event stream).

I am not aware of any widespread issues.

Note the post of mattveldhuis in this thread yesterday (same issue).

Let me ask a different way: Do you know that token refresh is working for some instances? I looked a bit at the code and I see that OFFLINE access is being requested (the usual place where auth refresh breaks), but I didn’t yet check that it’s actually being confirmed by the user on the permissions screen.

The nest events are following the conventions of home assistant where triggers are associated with devices rather than entities (this approach was suggested and reviewed by the founder). My impression is that the automations triggered are similar to all other integrations.

Are you building something on the raw event feed rather than through decide automations? Of you tell more detail about what you need to do it would help me see if there is anything else this integration isn’t doing that it should. I’m still fairly new to home assistant and the philosophy myself as well.


Yes, token refresh is known to work. I acknowledge that both of you are seeing this issue, and happy to help any way I can given more information though I’m not an oauth expert.

Yes, I prefer to use the raw event feed.

But if I understand you correctly, the idea of associating triggers to devices is a disaster. The device_id is created and assigned by HA on the fly and could potentially be different every time HA restarts. (For instance, if you remove and re-add the Nest integration–as I had to do for token refresh–the device_ids will all be different.)

If triggers are associated to device_ids, then entire swaths of automation logic would have to be rewritten when a device_id changes (as opposed to updating a single entry in the device registry).

How does it make sense for non-human-readable non-logical entities to occur in automations? This is very strange.

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I can’t argue for the design choice, perhaps deserving of it’s own thread. I’m guessing the suggestion would be to use automations? Not sure.

Maybe there is a convention to also publish entity IDs in the event message too…

My impression from lurking on the discord is that device IDs are supposed to be deterministic for what it’s worth. Maybe that is something to look into…

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Correct me if I’m wrong as I don’t know much about the inside workings of HA but isn’t there also unique_id? I think that might be the DB key for the device, its id, etc. in the registry? Aren’t device ID’s (and other attached info) editable if there is a unique id? I think the unique_id might be what is created and assigned by HA on the fly. I’ve removed/re-added integrations and the device_id has been the same as the last time HA created it…

This worked for me with the thermostat - I now have 2 Read-Only entities (Temperature and Humidity) and a third entity, which should allow me to write the target Temperature.

However, I get an error:400 caused by an exception in …

google_nest_sdm.exceptions.ApiException: Error from API: 400, message='Bad Request', url=URL(''obfuscated'/devices/'obfuscated':executeCommand')

This means that I can read but I cannot update the Target temperature from my HASS

Any idea? Thanks

It looks like this happens when my Nest Thermostat appears Offline (which is something that has been happening a lot recently).
i.e. when the thermostat is Online I can write the Target Temperature correctly.

Having the Thermostat Offline means I can actually not read anything other than the schedules, when using the App. This is frustrating anf Google has not been helping with this issue, other than telling me to open certain ports in my Router.

During these OFFLINE instances, though, I can still read the Temperature and Humidity reading on my HASS - without any errors. It is just the writing of Target Temperature which is not “allowed” without an error.

@Giuseppe_Torres it makes sense you can’t change temp when thermostat is offline. Maybe try rebooting the thermostat and changing Wi-Fi settings to rejoin your Wi-Fi? Can you try moving your router closer to the thermostat for a few hours to see if it’s more stable and goes offline less? Maybe some Wi-Fi interference causing the offline?

You are a godsend!!

That fixed the issue for me too!!

I have a suggestion for you - create a 2.4GHz network exclusively for your Nest product. I had the same issue with the Hello doorbell. You can use the guest network function on your router if you have a basic router. I cannot guarantee that it will fix it because I don’t know your setup but I stopped having problems when I was using a Netgear Nighthawk and created a separate 2.4GHz network just for the thermostat. You don’t even need to advertise the signal, it can be a hidden network although obviously use a password for it! And if it was not clear, do not join ANY other device to this separate network than the single Nest device you’re having trouble with. If you have any form of “smart connect” then disable it and use separate 2.4 and 5 networks. Good luck.

What happened to this? If I check the events on the developer settings there is nothing visible for Nest/Google integrations. I already removed all the configs and integration and restarted, made sure no remnants were present, and re-configured as new, then restarted and still cannot see events for doorbell chime, motion detected, person detected… am I missing anything or is this still in progress and any estimate as to when it will be ready?

Events are supported via device automations:


I seem to be having the same issue as you. The dashboard card seems to load a new image every 10 secs. Edit: Make sure you have the Camera View in the card set as “live”.

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