Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

I had to set the camera view to “live”

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Thanks for your answer.
I had already tried to do what you suggested. It does not seem to help. When I open the Nest App I can connect and see the temperature readings, for a while. At some point, the App shows Offline for the Temperature and the Water, but I can still setup the Schedules.

What does not make sense to me are two things:

  1. I can manage to read all traits, via Home Assistant, including if the thermostat is online or offline, even when the App shows the thermostat as OFFLINE
  2. The App starts working again (i.e. showing the temperature and Water status in the App) if I touch the actual thermostat and start changing Target temperatures randomly

I recall that, while in the middle of shifting furniture around a few months ago, when we were having a new kitchen put in, the Head of the thermostat happened to accidentally fall on the floor.
I wonder whether that incident is the cause of the intermittent failure in the connectivity of the thermostat.

In any case, I have a sonoff/tasmota switch controlling the two port valve, which, in effect, act as a ON/OFF switch for the Heating controlled by several automations in Home Assistant.
It would have been good to be able to remove the sonoff and change only the Target temperature of the Nest when needed by the automations.

I read that section but didn’t understand what exactly it meant. I think it should be expanded to explain it’s through the “device” option inside an automation. I thought it meant it would be an event like “deconz_event” that appears on the events tab in the developer tools menu. I got this working now, it’s perfect, I can have any doorbell sound I want, finally! Thank you for your work, it’s much appreciated.

Thanks, you’re right, it does read like an event and is even explaining the internal event names. A screenshot (shown in this thread) would probably help a lot.

You’re welcome. I think you answered your own question. Seems like a hardware issue to me! I’d get it replaced under warranty. You did everything you could, so you can definitely rule out software or networking issues at this point. This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I wouldn’t mention that you dropped it… Google does tax avoidance, they deserve to be cheated on for a taste of their own poison, but I won’t get into that, it’s personal views.

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Exactly! You got exactly what I was trying to say, it even shows the event names, that’s the exact part that confused me.

Unfortunately the thermostat is out of the Limited Warranty which Nest Labs used to have (I wonder whether Google even withstand to that warranty?) and I have not used a Nest Pro to install it. I installed it myself.
Sadly I will need to keep the Sonoff workaround, even if I agree with your views on Google.
… Unless you can agree you installed my Thermostat 4 years ago and you are a Nest Pro installer? :wink:

Unfortunately not :frowning: Try contacting Google and explaining that due to this connectivity issue your fancy thermostat isn’t working and so you are unable to properly heat the home which is making it mouldy and unsafe when you’re traveling for work… never mention you dropped it. Post on their facebook, twitter, or whatever else thing they use and don’t mention warranty, when they check and say it’s out, tell them that you would like to escalate and ask for a goodwill gesture… be nice, be insistent, it has worked many times for me.


Is your thermostat powered by a C-wire from the furnace (meaning it has constant 24 VAC to keep the battery charged)? If not (i.e. it is connected with two wires only), the on-board battery may be running out of juice in between furnace on times which is the only time it gets power to recharge the battery to keep it going full tilt. This is just a SWAG but maybe the thermostat kills wi-fi if/when the battery starts getting low…

Yes, I am getting the 24VAC from the furnace.

When OFFLINE is shown in the app (or on the online I can still read all the traits using the latest HomeAssistant Google-Nest Device Access.
That tells me that the WiFi is still working in the Thrmostat, right?

I will give it a go…

There are two ways traits are updated:

  • On startup, fetch all devices and their traits example
  • Updates arrive via pub/sub updates via Events

You may want to go through the example on Google’s site and poke at the API yourself to see what it is doing. mostlychris has an excellent set of videos on how to do this

I think the traits that I read are not copies of what was going on when the thermostat was ONLINE…

Before the Google-Nest Device Access was released on HomeAssistant, I had created some clunky automations (excercising the API, as in the example you posted) with mechanisms to refresh the token every 55 minutes, getting some help on Youtube -
(there is my comment in that video, see photo to find it, explaining what I did in my automation)

That is where I realised that I can see the temperature at the thermostat changing also when I read OFFLINE in the app…

Interesting! For what it’s work, Home Assistant currently ignores the Connectivity trait, so it will always act like everything is online and assume the best. (I’ve been thinking of honoring it, but no harm so far)

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Hmmm. I don’t think so. I believe the HA Nest Device Access is simply accessing the traits information recorded in the Google cloud and not the actual thermostat itself.

Just wondering if what I am experiencing has been seen by any of you.
following the instructions in section Device Setup, I can complete all of the OAuth steps but after clicking “Allow” on the final step, the web page closes and reverts back to HA but nothing happens. the pop-up that initiates the entire process is still being displayed.
closing it and checking the logs, no entries at all. my system has all of the updates.
any feedback on what I may be missing is appreciated.

Hi. I haven’t seen that one. Usually it should take a moment, load the integration, then ask you which areas you want to associate your devices with. If anything went wrong it should let you know in the ERROR log, especially on the latest versions.

Device IDs are “supposed” to be deterministic is not a policy one can depend on, and it’s not clear how this can be enforced. My access token just failed to get refreshed again, and so now the device_ids will be different for my cameras.

It makes sense that these should be reported as “events” not as sensors, but tagging by the device_id is messed up. HA is following the same terrible path that Windows took a couple decades ago. Windows confronted the same difficult problem, which is the shear vastness of devices and drivers. Such a diverse ecosystem makes sound design principles essential, but the HA founder seems all-too-happy to avoid proper design choices with the idea that everything will be managed through the front end.

Automations don’t help, as the automation triggers require the device_id.

For the sake of writing an automation, how is one even expected to figure out which device_ids correspond to which devices? As far as I recall, there’s not even a REST API for accessing the device_registry in HA. Everyone is supposed to do what I did and watch the event log, dancing around in front of their cameras to figure out the device_id so they can write an automation?

“If you would like to use a device trigger for an automation that is not managed through the browser frontend, you can copy the YAML from the trigger widget in the frontend and paste it into your automation’s trigger list.”

Kill me now.

Ah… :slight_smile:
Just as well that… I also have a local (MQTT) Aqara Temperature (and humidity) sensor, as belt and brace, which enable/disable the two port valve for my Central Heating.
It makes me wonder if I need a Nest Thermostat at all, given my OFFLINE problem.

Getting my head around the problem I am seeing with my sporadically OFFLINE-Thermostat.
When the Thermostat appears OFFLINE, then, what I read via the Google Device Access in HASS is a delayed set of readings at my Nest Thermostat, from when it was ONLINE. Correct?

Updates to my OFFLINE problem - [for the ones interested]
I seem to have reduced the duration of the OFFLINE times (when turning all WiFi devices in the house off, and using a dedicated 2.4GHz WiFi for my Thermostat) to less than a couple of minutes (I had around 30 minutes, worst case, before), by adding the Earth (which was absent before, my bad) connection - [I have a Nest Thermostat Learning (Learning what?), sending 12V DC from T1-T2 to the backplate with the Thermostat - I had previously said I had a C-Wire, well, I was slightly wrong].
Not sure if the Earth connection has made things any better, because, when looking at the DEBUG of the sdm.devices.traits.Connectivity, it seems to go OFFLINE more frequently than before.