Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

This is not currently exposed in the API. Looking at the other sets of features exposed, my hunch is this is a privacy/security trade off by Google, but that is speculation on my part (I don’t speak for google on this) as it seems to be conservative across each product on that front.


I’m having an issue commanding 2nd stage heat on my Trane forced hot air furnace with my Nest thermostat.

The situation: Due to the COVID-related unpredictability of the school schedule, I have my thermostat schedule set to assume the kids won’t get up early for the school bus, and I enable an automation for in-person days. This way I don’t mess with the thermostat schedule every day.

The overnight thermostat setting is 65F and outside temperatures reach 20-40F, so a command to raise the temperature to 70F should result in stage 2 heating. The simple automation is as follows:

- alias: Early Heat Downstairs
    platform: time
    at: '05:15:00'
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: climate.nest_downstairs_thermostat
        temperature: 70


  1. I physically turn the thermostat dial override the schedule and set the temperature to 70F when the current temp is 65F. Result: The thermostat commands stage 2 heat.
  2. I use the iOS app to override the schedule and set the temperature to 70F when the current temp is 65F. Result: The thermostat commands stage 2 heat.
  3. I enable the above HA automation to override the schedule and set the temperature to 70F when the current temp is 65F. Result: The thermostat commands stage 1 heat. It takes 4 hours to raise the temperature 5 degrees.

I’ve reviewed the SDM docs and can’t find anything stage specific. The integration works properly in all other respects and there are no significant log entries besides the minor noise discussed previously in this thread. The device is a 1 year old, full featured Nest Learning thermostat, not the E version. Software version as listed in the iOS app: 6.1-9.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, here’s the logs after following the “logger” section on the integration’s page and adding the following to my configuration.yaml below logger: homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm: debug

I anonymized the URL by replacing sections with “xxxxxx”:

Source: components/stream/
Integration: Stream ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 10:48:03 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:52:04 PM

Error opening stream rtsps://

The fix in may work. You can either try a dev release or try this again in the next official release.

Thanks, I’ll try the next release. My HA controls like 90% of my house so it can’t break or we won’t be able to do anything here.

I am seeing multiple 404 errors in my logfile happening every 5 minutes. The cameras seem to work, although there is a delay loading them and I can’t seem to keep them loaded.

2021-03-26 09:26:07 ERROR (stream_worker) [] Error opening stream rtsps://

(url obfuscated)

Any tips?

What home assistant version?
I rewrote a lot of how stream works in 2021.03.x to support urls from nest that expire, so upgrade to that If you haven’t. Otherwise, we can turn on detailed verbose logging and diagnose.

Home Assistant OS 5.12

A pointer to logging config would be helpful.

Thank you.

Sure have a look at at the bottom which gives an example logger config.

Then take out all the subscriber stuff and just turn up and homeassistant.comoonents.camera_sdm to debug.

An example discussion for debugging something like this happened here so you have an idea of what we’re looking for.

Also you could try a dev release and see if that fix also addressed your problem.

Oddly the behavior has stopped. I am seeing a throttling error…

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google_nest_sdm/", line 80, in _raise_for_status
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 1000, in raise_for_status
raise ClientResponseError(
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: 429, message='Too Many Requests', url=URL('')
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/camera/", line 254, in preload_stream
stream = await camera.create_stream()
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/camera/", line 366, in create_stream
source = await self.stream_source()
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/nest/", line 117, in stream_source
self._stream = await trait.generate_rtsp_stream()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google_nest_sdm/", line 143, in generate_rtsp_stream
resp = await self._cmd.execute(data)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google_nest_sdm/", line 23, in execute
return await"{self._device_id}:executeCommand", json=data)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google_nest_sdm/", line 73, in post
return await AbstractAuth._raise_for_status(resp)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google_nest_sdm/", line 85, in _raise_for_status
raise ApiException(": ".join(detail)) from err
google_nest_sdm.exceptions.ApiException: Error from API: 429: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Cryptographic requests' and limit 'Cryptographic requests per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:1001071396112'.: Too Many Requests

But the cameras do seem to be working.

Odd, I haven’t seen that one before and not sure if the cloud console has options to change the limits. Let me know if you have reason to suspect the home assistant integration is misbehaving and actually making too many requests.

So this is probably the reason why my camera just isn’t reliable anymore and takes ages to connect, whereas before it was pretty much instant. It was working before the changes so unfortunately whatever you did has caused an issue :frowning:

Unfortunately since the new code the stream view for Google camera feed is much more a problem to get working 90% of time is just a blank feed other camera feeds seam to be better. I have not debug the problem yet just replying to say this is not just a one off issue

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Same here. The integration was working fine in previous releases. With the release 2021.3.xx I lose the stream every 24 hours and always have to reload the integration to get the stream running again…

@Robin_De_Becker @scooper1 @anon78847916 you are probably experiencing the issue linked above which was fixed. The next release fixes it so your choices are:

  • roll back to the last version
  • use a dev release
  • wait until the next version.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Once you have the fix it should be even more reliable than before.

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@allenporter, many thanks for the feedback and the good work. I will happily await the next release. Bringing back the Nest integration (with SDM) was sure a whole relief, so I am very gratefull for all the work done in this project. Kind regards, Robin

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thanks for work done on getting the live feed to work next beta should be soon

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Oops you actually said that before!!! But in the heat of the moment I forgot, sorry!! I really appreciate your work in making this integration function as best it can. You are awesome!

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I downloaded 2021.4.0b3 and now my Nest Thermostat temperature sensor is showing 5 decimals really cluttering the sensor cards… could this please be fixed before the stable release is published? For reference my nest thermostat is named “house”.