Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

@Gubtug try following this guide.

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Thank you, Narsaw. I actually have the integration installed, it just isnā€™t showing any devices or entities. After coming across this thread No devices or entities appearing after successful Nest Thermostat Integration I am attempting to follow the instructions here: and have made my way through to the final step to make the device list callā€¦ which gives me the error above. :sob: Iā€™ve found the reference code blocks on the page donā€™t work very well out of the box. Iā€™ve been able to google and stackoverflow my way through the previous steps editing the curl commands until they work, but havenā€™t managed to figure out the right format for this curl command.

My struggles seem to be sucking me deeper into the quicksandā€¦ in an attempt to ā€œfonzie the jukeboxā€ā€¦ I reset the secret, updated configuration.yaml, uninstalled the integration, reinstalled, followed the prompts to give permissions and am now not able to get the integration to takeā€¦ just comes back to the integration ui and sits at ā€œthis step requires you to visit an external website to be completed.ā€

It sounds like google is not able to access your external URI for the final callback to the integration?

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@Gubtug make sure you configuring the Nest component while using the external URL for HA

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@Gubtug I believe that popup comes from home assistant when it creates a new window to redirect to google for auth. Like purely a browser thing at that point. Maybe double check what your browser is doing with like chrome developer tools or make sure it isnā€™t a popup getting blocked or something odd like that?

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@allenporter It sounds like he is being taken by the integration to the google page to grant permissions (which he does) but upon completion the page closes and he is returned to the integration which is still waiting for an acknowledgement that perms were granted?

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Thank you everyone for your help. Some good news! A day later and at least the Nest integration took when I tried again tonight and now appears on my integrations page.

You were correct, @dbrunt . For some reason after completing permissions, the integration didnā€™t seem to acknowledge yesterday. Not sure what changed, but it did today and I am now back to the issue I initially posted about.

I have what seems to be a successful integration of Nest, but no devices or entities are appearing. Assuming that following the instructions in the link I originally referenced might helpā€¦ is this the correct formulationā€¦

`curl -X GET ā€œā€ -H ā€œContent-Type: application/jsonā€ -H ā€œAuthorization: Bearer access-tokenā€ā€™

of the curl command in this block?

curl -X GET '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer access-token'

Iā€™m using the windows 10 administrator cmd console which has worked for me for previous curl command steps (that I had to similarly modify), but am getting this resultā€¦

  "error": {
    "code": 401,
    "message": "Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
    "status": "UNAUTHENTICATED"

I presume you are replacing access-token with your access token as returned by the previous command?

curl -X GET '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer ya29.A0AfH6SMB4p0WCahsdX-2-########-5JusAbJcyUSyl15WVmwXRhqVXT5CDSZLT0zOvL0I6zFhetyLFrPz9d8cZ1sWyM3nbioMEL81QAtvl5DUWv8dVu66Nd_NCcBkxXojn_Qy_AAIrDPKBz1HPV8hMtqj7J8'

Thanks Daniel, Yes, replacing project id and bearer access token. I think I just donā€™t have the curl command formatted properly, but not sure :man_shrugging:

I can paste the command as-is into an ssh session into my hassio and it worksā€¦

curl -X GET '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer ya29.A0AfH6SMB4p0WCahsdX-2-########-5JusAbJcyUSyl15WVmwXRhqVXT5CDSZLT0zOvL0I6zFhetyLFrPz9d8cZ1sWyM3nbioMEL81QAtvl5DUWv8dVu66Nd_NCcBkxXojn_Qy_AAIrDPKBz1HPV8hMtqj7J8'

How can I use the ā€˜image: /api/camera_proxy/camera.front_doorā€™ in the Telegram notification service to send the image? Can you give me an example?
thank you

This integration was working perfectly until around a week ago.

Now the integration card has a red ā€œReconfigureā€ button. When I click through and give permissions again I get:

No partner connections found

New partner connections will show up here. If youā€™re trying to link other services, you can add them from the Home view in the Google Home app.

@tomsr First, check out on the ā€œReauthentication requiredā€ part about changing the oauth consent screen settings (updated recently based on figuring out the root cause that was hitting many people). Second, on the no partner connections found first time iā€™ve seen that one but maybe the discussion on is helpful.

Are Nest Cameras able to be used within Home Assistant using DAC?

I am able to see my thermostat, doorbell + camera feed; but not any of my IQ cameras.

Not really wanting to use the actual feed; but to turn them on at night / off in the morning.

@zenko18 yes all nest cameras are supported: ā€“ perhaps there is a bug worth reporting.

There is not support for turning anything on/off in the SDM API, however.

If this is the case; then there may not (yet) be an incentive (for me) to get this working; as this was really the only thing that I planned to do with it.

Perhaps as this (SDM API) evolves this may be an option in the future.

Not sure what happened to this integration but I noticed there was a change on 2021.3.0 and since then, the camera doesnā€™t load as fast. On the other hand my ONVIF cameras are now super quick and reliable, whereas before they were super slow and often would not load. Also yesterday I had a spat with a Fedex driver, he said he rang my bell but I didnā€™t hear anything (I disabled the Nest announcements and use a HA automation to play my own preferred doorbell sound). It was working reliably before. When I went to watch the footage the Fedex guy had really pushed the button but HA somehow didnā€™t play the sound, I am not sure if this is HAā€™s fault or the integrationā€™s fault but I thought it was worth mentioning.

@anon78847916 ok ā€“ will need more details to help troubleshoot. Camera integration with stream was entirely rewritten, but should have improved reliability. See the integration documentation for troubleshooting instructions.

Will unlock capability ever be implemented for the Nest x Yale lock, or am I better off biting the bullet and buying a more ā€œopenā€ lock for use with HA?