Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

I don’t know, I’ve let some contacts I have know about this issue but hoping raising it more places will help.

Did you solve the problem? Gets the same message as you did.


Is it possible to dump these camera streams into Frigate for processing?

Not easily yet. I’m working on it and chatted with a few folks about how to make this seamless for any home assist camera. Stay tuned or happy to chat about the early thoughts in details.


Thanks for the quick reply. I wish I understood the underlying technology enough to help.

These folks did it using the public url for the cam plus a few other tricks, if that’s an option for you. But not easy as already mentioned:

Would LOVE to see Allen’s solution though! @allenporter if you’re looking for test volunteers, I’ve got 12 Nest cameras (plus thermostats) so could be a good one for testing at scale. Just drop me a note if so.

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+1 for this. I’ve used the referenced work around by making the feed public. While it’s serviceable, I’m still having some issues with missed frames and detection. I think the universality of pulling the stream straight from HA would be appealing.

Does this only provide camera access? I was hoping for Nest Protects but none showed up after integration.

Supported Devices  |  Device Access  |  Google Developers are the supported devices. Once nest protects are added to the API I’ll add support.

My impression is people often additionally install hubitat or badnest as those integrations are using unsupported APIs with a few more devices.

I also use Hoobs/Homebridge on a dedicated small VM which then presents them via Homkit integration. Fairly easy to setup and works reasonably reliably.

Within the SDM API is there a way to expose additional data in person_detected events? I am looking to tigger automations when X person is detected on camera, and the person_detected object doesn’t seem to expose this. Thanks for maintaining this great integration!

No, that level of detail is not returned from the API.


The lat st home assistant release has a revamped setup process Nest - Home Assistant and in particular

  • you no longer need to set up ssl certs and redirect urls at all. Instead, you copy and paste an access code similar to Google calendar integration.
  • pubsub subscriber set up is done automatically so no more copying and pasting topics and subscription IDs needed

Let me know if you have any questions, and hopefully this is easier for everyone to use.

“and paste an access code so ilar to Google calendar integration.” - ilar??

Fixed edit: should have been similar

Hi Allen, are you able to expose the ThermostatEco settings? In the standard integration they are shown as PresetModes and PresetMode which then get exposed in the climate card alongside the ‘idle’ notification. This then indicates whether the thermostat is in idle mode or not.

Also I’d be interested if you can see the on/off schedule in the schema and can expose it. I can’t see it in the api, but I may be missing something.

Oops, had it the wrong way round. I see you already do…

I’ve been using battery camera media events with no problem in 2021.12.X showing up in the media player. As of this morning I am seeing some failures, is anyone else seeing problems like this also?

2021-12-16 08:24:37 WARNING (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.event_media] Failure when pre-fetching event 'a6c198d29831366ac9f...': Forbidden

It seems to happen across all versions i’ve tested, so i’m not sure if its specific to my account or something on the server side nest API that changed, or just another bug.

I connected w/ the API team and they are working on a fix.

I got the same errors either when motion detected. But it’s gone after commenting out the nest sub id part and back in configuration.yaml. No errors so far. Something weird…