Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Check out the nest integration docs where it takes about the webrtc camera card settings. You can set it to live to stream the webrtc stream

Thanks, but I keep getting 500 errors. Maybe I did some mis configurations in my endeavours (I even reconfigured the integration), Iā€™ll try again tomorrow!


I am aware of one issue with Firefox and WebRTC that has a similar error so maybe try another browser. Otherwise, file a github issue and we can dig deeper.

Wow good catch.

Iā€™m indeed a Firefox user and with chrome it works!

Thanks! I just need to change to picture ar a glance cards.

Btw @allenporter I donā€™t really understand how to do a PR but would you consider to make this small modification official in your code?

Just a way to change the path of the pictures based on the existence of a media path.

Quote reply didnā€™t work, here it is:

I donā€™t have a straight forward answer for this but will keep thinking about it. There are implications outside of nest so I need to understand them better.

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Update on furnace problem
A 28 year old relay on the EGC-1 board for the exhause gas vent fan was clicking on but intermittently there was no power to the fan thus preventing the burner from igniting and Monday intermittent became never. Iā€™ve ordered three new relays (CA$53.70) for the board which will arrive tomorrow but in the meantime I wired up an eWeLink ZB-SW02 relay to power the 120v exhaust fan when the furnace switches to heating. The EGC-1 board new retails for CA$495 but I found preowned on eBay for as low as CA$130.00 They would not have arrived until after Christmas or early January though.