Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Folks with cameras, I’m curious if you have tried out LL HLS yet. In particular set ll_hls: True in you configuration.yaml under stream. This can get your latency down to 3sec or so.

I only now discovered this. Massive improvement in my Nest cameras. Sad that I’ve gone so long without noticing it. Thank you!

This is surprising – ll_hls: True has been the default for quite awhile now so it should have already been enabled. I assume you are running a somewhat recent version of home assistant?

This is surprising – ll_hls: True has been the default for quite awhile now so it should have already been enabled. I assume you are running a somewhat recent version of home assistant?

Yes, 2023.9.2

So maybe the placebo-effect in action.

I will add that the Nest documentation still mentions having to enable it. Google Nest - Home Assistant

The config I added was:

  ll_hls: true
  part_duration: 0.75
  segment_duration: 6

which I took from: Stream - Home Assistant

Can anyone in here help me with this: Having problems with Nest devices. Ongoing issue I thought I'd fixed with GRPCIO

I had everything working beautifully, and now I’m stuck with it not working, winter is coming, and I want to switch my heating automations back on.

Any and all help appreciated.

Any way to change media nest directory? I want save the events photos in /media/nest instead /config/nest and avoid backup save all nest media.

Hello Miguel,

Here’s what I do:
In my configuration.yaml I define this:

    local: /media/local
    nest: /media/nest/event_media

Then I copy, for every release of Home Assistant Core, the nest component in my custom_component folder:

I keep everything the same and I just modify these two files:

  • manifest.json in which I just add a dummy version property for it to work as a custom component:

  • in which I modify/add the following lines as such:

Here’s the few lines added for you to copy/paste:

    if DOMAIN in hass.config.media_dirs:
        media_path = hass.config.media_dirs[DOMAIN]


Upon restart, this gives me the following media source which is not in the config path but in the media path as per my configuration above:

Hope this helps!

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Thanks you!

Maybe you should sent a PR to HA, I think that we need it as oficial feature

I don’t know how to do that :smiley:

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So, when I have any time I will send it

Wasn’t sure where to post this but… Does anyone know how to have the ‘Eco’ mode as a heating mode and not a seperate preset. In other words so that the green leaf is in the same row as Heat and Off.

I don’t know what card that is. It might help if you posted your code.

I believe it’s the standard Tile card. Here’s the code :slight_smile:

With the tile card, you have two options for climate-preset-modes:

  style: dropdown


  style: icons

and it has to be a row by itself…

In the Nest entity, ‘Eco’ is a preset_mode, not an hvac_mode!

Correct, was wondering if it was possible to make it an ‘hvac_mode’ in some way?

Because it’s confusing to users for Eco and Heat to be set at the same time. Just as preset_mode ‘none’ is pointless too. So Heat, Eco and Off as hvac_modes would be ideal if at all possible.

Think for a second about what you’re asking. This is how all Nest devices are designed. You would have to try & convince Google to somehow change it, which is really an impossibility as they will just tell you to educate your users on how the Nest works. Think of ‘Eco’ as a preset temperature rather than a mode.
preset_mode: none means not Eco which restores the target temperature to the previous target temp before preset_mode: was set to eco. It is independent of the hvac_mode and is a completely different temperature when A/C is added to the mix, in which case hvac_modes can be off, heat or cool. If you try and add eco in there, what does that mean? 16°C (heat) or 25°C (cool)???
You can have:
hvac_mode: off = off
hvac_mode heat & preset_mode off = 20°C
hvac_mode heat & preset_mode eco = 16°C
hvac_mode cool & preset_mode off = 22°C
hvac_mode cool & preset_mode eco =26°C

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Any idea if the official API allows one to set the Target Humidity for a Thermostat?

This is how all home assistant climate thermostats work with an eco mode. It may be possible with a custom card that hides this, but it’s not specific to nest.

No, that is not an available API option in the SDM API

Here’s something for you to have a look at and play around with.
It’s not ideal but may give you some ideas…


type: vertical-stack
  - features:
      - type: target-temperature
    type: tile
    entity: climate.living_room
    name: Dining Room
    icon: mdi:heat-wave
    vertical: false
    hide_state: false
      - current_temperature
      - state
      - hvac_action
      - preset_mode
        - border: none
        - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.turn_off
            entity_id: climate.living_room
        entity: climate.living_room
        name: 'Off'
        show_state: true
        icon: mdi:toggle-switch-variant-off
            - border: none
            - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.turn_on
            entity_id: climate.living_room
        entity: climate.living_room
        name: 'On'
        show_state: true
        icon: mdi:toggle-switch-variant
            - border: none
            - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
      - show_name: true
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            entity_id: climate.living_room
            preset_mode: none
        entity: climate.living_room
        name: Eco off
        show_state: false
        icon: mdi:leaf-circle-outline
            - border: none
            - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
      - show_name: true
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            entity_id: climate.living_room
            preset_mode: eco
        name: Eco on
        show_state: false
        icon: mdi:leaf-circle
            - border: none
            - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
        - border: none
        - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
    - border: none
    - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)