Google, unable to UNLINK the Home assisant app, lots of duplicate devices now!

yep, and ran out of ideas.

When I click in GH app “add new”, I click on my “(test) home assistant” app, it goes to

my frontend “you are going to give access:”, and asks to my username and password.

I guess if I manage to have that, everything is correct, right?

normally yes :slight_smile:
make sure all links are correct, redirect, token , authorize
and for me on android, i always need to delete the HA shortcut app on my home screen
then i can link

what do you mean? xxx is my (correct) duckdns name, and xxxxxxxx its a very long string of
unrecognizable characters

those in that screenshot
authorize url and token url

yes thats all correct, beside if was not correct probably would not go to the HASS frontend page asking user/password. Nevertheless I rechecked, its all correct … ran out of idea

maybe try another android phone? then you know its not a cachin issue?
or maybe another browser on your phone, so it creates a new cookie session

But how, it all starts from the GH app

EDIT, I managed to put a different browser as default. Same issue, aggravated by the fact that I have 4 my test app, so not sure which to use (I used multiple times all of them).

What a crap

i am out of ideas :frowning:

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have you delete your session cookies in HA profiles pages? all the ones that are google related?

I did before I will do it again. Do you think it matters if I change (under invocation) the “DISPLAY NAME”?

Because putting anything (I put now hass), at least when I add new, I have 3 “test app” and one “hass” so I know that’s the correct one

no idea :frowning:
btw , are you using 2 factor authentication? maybe you can turn it off if you are linking

no I don’t think I have that

Finally I managed.

I restarted everything with a new Google account (its a Google Ap account). Like that it worked at first try.

Beeing a Google Apps, it said I had no permission to eneable homegraph api, but whatever, it worked all the rest

Good :wink:

Strange though

I spoke with a Google tech guy, and he is clueless, go figure. Its definetely something server side, now I will need Google to upgrade something the the software, or maybe in the GH app, before my account will work again

indeed, i also have a ticket open, they are aware of issue, but takes long
ticket : Case ID [8-9178000024059]

about the “homes” that are corrupted if you share one, thats also known, i still have that issue, latest reply was from a google employee today, also an known issue

more info here

also here my reply , there i showed screenshots of my undeletable “homes”
still not fixed
reply on : 11/16/18

Having same issue here. When i try to “sync devices” from Google assistant, it says error to sync. After google around, it seems the Test simulation works for 30 days which is correct in my case when i trace the date i created the project / token in Google Console.

So i decided to Unlink and Relink. Yes it works as im able to run “sync devices” from Google Assistant. Then i notice when use Google Home to turn on/off switch, it always says 2 devices (or additional 1). Then realize the old devices (before unlink) is still listed in Google Home routine.

I hope Google will resolve this issue soonest as this it frustrating. Now im thinking next time before unlink, probably rename all devices and move out from room.

welcome to the world of “google ghost devices”
next time , in 30 days
first unlink, then do a “sync devices” … so all devices are really gone
then link again

Thanks for the tips. Will try that