Google WiFi basic integration

Looking for some help, I’m trying to get the Google WiFi integration to work. I can see from the documents that it just needs the following added to the configuration.ymal

  - platform: google_wifi

I’ve done that and it is now a selectable entity but I can’t figure out how I should be using the configurable variables, any help would be greatly appreciated.

We can’t really help you there either.
It is your installation, so you need to decide what you want with it.

Thanks Wally, it’s not help with deciding which options to use that I’m struggling with, its figuring out the syntax needed to to make them work.

It is just entities.
Use an entities card and add them

I can add the entity but they are all showing as unavailable.
I was under the impression that you would have to select which of the optional monitored conditions you wanted added, otherwise why are they shown in the documentation

Ahhm that seems true.

Try this in your configuration.yaml

  - platform: google_wifi
    name: "router"

That didn’t work but really appreciate you helping.
It’s not a big deal, last restart would have been nice but not too bothered about the rest.

I’ll update here if anything changes in the future

Did it write an error in the log or when you tried to restart?

I use only this:

  - platform: google_wifi

and work with all the info:
you can try, with the correct ip you use

I just followed the documentation for the sensor, that says it should be listed.
It might work without, but if it is not officially documented, then it could be removed without notice.
If it does, then the correction is pretty easy, so no Biggie really. :slight_smile:

Hi Everyone,

Just getting into HA. With only a few devices am trying to get my google wifi integrated, I have looked into the document up and down

Google Wifi - Home Assistant (

However, my take away from this documentation is

the 3 line the configuration.yaml

  • platform: google_wifi
  • host:

However this returns all variables with Unavailable

And the following error: This entity (‘sensor.google_wifi_current_version’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.

After going through the documentation, am still lost.

Any assitance would be apprecaitated

Ignore the message about unique id

The unavailable could be due to the wrong address.
Check your desktop computer’s network settings.

On Windows hold the windows key down a press r
Then type cmd and hit enter in the popup window.
In the command prompt (typically a window with black background) type ipconfig/all and hit enter.

Look for default gateway in the output and see if it matches the


This doesn’t look like a Google WiFi address. Google WiFi is usually configured with a address. What IP address do you access your HA server with. I’m guessing it starts with 192.168.86. if that’s the case, try instead of


Oh nice pickup. I quickly changed that but sadly still getting the same error unavailable.

Any other suggestions.? Could I be missing anything else?

Just found this in the logs

2024-06-08 00:47:47.351 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for ‘sensor’ at configuration.yaml, line 3: required key ‘platform’ not provided, please check the docs at Sensor - Home Assistant

2024-06-08 00:47:47.360 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.google_wifi.sensor] Unable to fetch data from Google Wifi

However not sure what to make from it : ,/