Govee integration

I’m having the same problem:

Could not connect to Govee API: API: API-Error 429: {"message":"rate limited! the limit is 10000 requests every 24 hours. X-RateLimit-Reset in Http Response Header shows the reset time."}

May 31, 2022, 7:36:28 PM – (WARNING) Govee (custom integration)

Rate limit exceeded, check if other devices also utilize the govee API

May 31, 2022, 7:36:28 PM – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/govee_api_laggat/

Can we change the number of queries?

Figured it out… Changed my polling to 40 seconds since I have 2 devices. Cool

How can i change that limit on HA ?

  • Settings > Devices & Services
  • Find Govee > Click on Configure
  • There you can change the poll interval

I have just brought a govee smart tower fan, did you get any joy for this working?

only through Alexa. I have time blocked off to look into this more thoroughly in the next few weeks. I don’t have any other govee stuff so I basically gotta learn what’s here to determine what’s wrong and how to make it work.

I did see other people mentioning that the Alexa API seems to have access to more settings than this integration for other devices and I can confirm that the fan’s full suite of functionality is communicated in Alexa. We just need to work out the details.

Hello Gurus,

I am a newbie to HA, after following the online tutorials, I managed to get Govee integration working but every now and then I hit a bug that says
" Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: custom_components/govee/
Integration: Govee (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 23:09:36 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:09:36

Error setting up entry govee for govee

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 339, in async_setup result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self) File “/config/custom_components/govee/”, line 67, in async_setup_entry await hub.rate_limit_delay() AttributeError: ‘Govee’ object has no attribute ‘rate_limit_delay’

Can someone please help

Newbie HA here, I have 3 questions.

  1. Did the integration fully and throughly one time around, and everything worked perfectly. Had to start with a fresh new HA, did the same process, brought everything in perfectly. Went to change colors and it’s listed as “unavailable”. No on/off or color wheel capabilities/ Only change I made was getting a new API key as I thought it was needed with a fresh HA system now. Any tips or next steps?

  2. I have 4 B5082 and can’t pull them in or recognize them with this integration. Looking at the support devices above, I don’t see it listed. Any mention/workaround found for this devices?

  3. I reached out Govee support about my 1st question above and I got the what seems to be a common problem now with the API call frequency issue that started May 5th, 2022. Does this have to do with why I am having my first problem? I believe it’s a separate issue at this time, but being a beginner I’m just curious.

Thank you in advance!


According to Govee the Local API support should be released sometime in July 2022.


I am curious if anyone else has the issue of the state being ‘unavailable’ and the only way to restore control from HA is to restart HA. This has been happening more and more lately.

Hopefully the release of the local API will solve my issues.

Hello I have also sometimes the state being ‘unavailable’. But then I turn on the strips with the Govee app and after a few minutes the state is correct again.

Any chance you could get a Govee H6126 Bluetooth LED Bar working in your awesome applicaitons :slight_smile:


Clear your cache and that fixes this

Is there a possibility in the integration to choose not just one color for the whole strip, but a multicolor?

I have saved my own colors for my stips in the Govee app and multicolored here. Can I select this multicolor in the integration?

I use Alexa as a workaround, it’s not elegant at all but it works. Create a Tap-to-Run in the Govee app that contains your lighting scene (located under the Command category). Then go to the Alexa app and make sure it is linked to your Govee account. Create a routine with a phrase to activate the routine. For the action select Smart Home/ Control scene, and your Govee Tap-to-Run scene should be there. Save the routine. Add your Alexa device to Home Assistant, and then create a script with an Action containing the following (edit the action in YAML).

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.fire_hd_8_plus
  media_content_type: custom
  media_content_id: turn on playstation five lights

Change entity_id and media_content_id to reflect your Alexa device (entity_id) and Alexa command (media_content_id). For some reason I have to have the words “turn on” in my media_content_id even though it is not part of my Alexa command in the Alexa app. My command in the Alexa app is only “playstation five lights”. Test the action and if it works save it, if not let me know and we can trouble shoot it. I tried to make this as detailed as possible in case anyone new to HA, Alexa, or the Govee app comes across this. I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

first of all thanks for the support.

But if I try the following code in the script:

alias: Licht LED Fernseher Ukraine
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.alexa_wohnzimmer1
      media_content_type: custom
      media_content_id: turn on LED Fernseher Ukraine
mode: single

The turn on the Govee LED Strips, but not with the selectete color scene from the govee app, but with the color last used

I’ve got a H6138 Lightstrip. Didn’t see that model in the table of devices supported. Is is one that could be added or is there someway using the integration it can be added manually by me?

is there any news about local api yet?

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Not Yet, it was promised with no definite timeline from Govee.

Some good deals on Prime day for Govee. Weighing if I should get a few?