Graph of current year vs last year

I scrape real time lake level data from a government website and use that for a variety of purposes. One of those is the creation of this graph:


I’d like to also be able to show a line for the previous year to add a little meaning to the data.

I’m curious about different ways of approaching this?

Eventually, when I have enough years of data, I would also like to show a line with annual averages - but that is a few years away. For now, just showing last year would be great.


Two things are here:

  1. A possibility to select a period.
    Currently a stock history-graph card accepts “hours_to_show”, and a stock “statistics-graph” - “days_to_show”. Some custom cards allow to define periods like “01.01.24 - 01.02.24”. Means - currently you have to use a custom card.

  2. A possibility to show two graphs with different periods on one card. It could be possible if a card accepts periods per-entity, not “one period for all entities”. But there is a way in case the card does not support these “per-entity periods”:
    – place 2 cards with different periods (one card = 1 entity) into a vertical-stack;
    – by using card-mod - overlap these cards one on another;
    – by using card-mod - make a transparent background for a topmost card;
    – define SAME lower & upper bounds for both cards;
    – by using card-mod - hide axis for the topmost card (and may be other UI elements which may be overlapping on each other).

I would just use one of the custom graph cards to do this.

mini-graph-card does not support that “show for last month” (or any other period) feature; not sure about apexcharts.

Update: seems apexcharts does not allow it too (quick look at Docs).
But history-explorer - does.