Grouping Automations on frontend for organization

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I’m in favour of tags. Not only do I think it should be possible to add tags to automations and scrips but also to evrything else! Especially integrations, devices, entities and helpers. This would enable me to filter on a use case or subsystem which may include sensors or scripts that are used in other use cases or subsystems.

Whenever I implement something new I always have in my mind: if I need to undo this where are all the bits I need to undo? I find this frustrating because all the bits involved are scattered around in different places. If I could tag all the parts it would be easy to find them again.


This is needed greatly!!!

Folders are a must since even the most basic tasks require an automation there needs to be a way to organize them so that when you visit the automation page you are not bombarded with all sorts of unrelated automations.


Hmm it makes the thought in my mind: Isn’t it overconstrained or the developer docs are not informatives, if there is no voluntaries? (Including me: I would like but I don’t know where to start neither) - maybe we could start in babysteps: static labels then a filter.

Anyway, as @frenck mentioned earlier this year in one of the release parties: This year will be the year of the UI and ergonomics/useability improvements. - This FR could cover every bullets of this sentence/plan. :wink: - I hope the best: As it seen, the releases of this year are really strength the UI with awesome improvements, and I hope it (the second most requested feature of all the time) can fit into this year, into this row of UI improvements and commits


Very few people like developing UIs.


Hi @frenck @balloob I was not aware about this, ok it’s off course a workaround but so helpful for now, love it!
But if this is already more or less implemented is it then not very easy, to add this option in the automation scripts, helper… pages?

For guys like Bram, Zack in the team, this is probably a piece of cake to add to a new version.
I really like the new updates to automations, everything gets easier, faster more clear for non developers, and really would love to move back from Nodered to native HA, but the lack of proper organization for automations, scripts, helpers… is for now still a showstopper :weary:

Seeing the focus in streamlining things, Streamlining Experiences - Home Assistant and the high vote rate for this in the community, it’s quite strange to me why this is not yet implemented.
Off course, I’m not a developer, so maybe I’m missing something here, if so my sincere apologies, but for now the only reason I can think of why this is low on the list, is that you guys, girls off course all write your automations in YAML and probably use packages what off course limits the use of this, but for non developer gods like me this is really a very missed option.

I don’t want to complain, nag about this and hope that this message is not received like this?, I really appreciate the great work you’re doing and know that you all are very busy to make HA the best solution there is, and I can’t say thank you enough for that, but only hope that you can bring this back on the table and maybe can put this a little higher on the probably already enormous to-do list?

The ultimate goal would be that we can create some kind of package in the UI, where we can see, in one overview, everything that’s linked to that package.

So for instance, school package

One overview page with all the linked automations, scripts, helpers, templates, custom sensors so that we can easily see, edit in one view what’s used for this process, something like this, I’m not a designer, developer but a specialist like @matthiasdebaat can probably even make it look good :wink:

Thanks in advance!


I‘d be happy if there are tags and an option to filter by tag (like you can now do with areas and such). Tags are very powerful and people could use them for all sorts of meanings. In my case, I‘d like to tag my quality progress (tested, documented, restart agnostic, etc.).

That looks great! I too would love to have something similar to organize everything.
Adding automations to areas is a nice workaround but frankly not more. Area should mainly be physical areas of devices, entities (like first floor, second floor… or similar) Automations and scripts often apply to multiple of those areas. Currently I added ‚automation areas‘ in order to have some organizational structure, however, that ‚inflating‘ areas.
I really believe we do need an additional organizational structure, something like these ‚packages‘ approach. It also would be nice to be able to add automations etc. to multiple of those ‚packages‘.
BTW in my 2 Cent the ‚run actions‘ button could be eliminated in favor of an respective icon, giving room for additional categories for organizational structure.

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+1 for me.
I have hundreds of automations and in daily use, I need to tune them many times for satisfaction. Unfortunately it is so difficult to find the automation I need, definitely on the phone.
Grouping them in de UI would be so helpful.
Now I use some specific words at the start of the description that can be filtered with “search”.

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I currently have a love lace view dedicated to group my automations into widgets! Create a new view…hit add…by entity…search for “automation.” and select all automations and add them and later group them!

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+1 from me too. I’d love to be able to group automations and scripts etc into folders in the UI. Currently when I go in to the UI to create a new automation or to edit one, the list is getting very long for me, even though I name my automations dependent on the room they apply to.

I don’t care how the requirement is met, but having folders or groupings in the UI wsomehow would be marvellous

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+1 from me as well, definitely would be great to have!

I’m staring at two pages of automations I’ve created and sometimes going through the list to make an edit to one of them is a real chore. It would be awesome if we could group automations into folders that are common, like creating a folder called “lights” for all automations that deal with smart lights or “security” for alarm-related automations.

Like this you mean? Splitting up the configuration - Home Assistant

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I’m talking about doing it through the web gui instead of writing YAML. You know how under Configuration->Automations it just shows one giant list. I want to be able to organize that into subsections.

I don’t know how they appear in the GUI when you split them into directories.

There are already multiple requests for this. Try the forum search in this topic and vote for them.

i think there need to able to organise the automations and scenes page within HA - when we all have long list of automations/ scenes finding one to edit etc become a faff

if we were able to sort/ organise by room etc this would be really helpful.

What do people think


I was just thinking this the other day as I was hunting for an automation that I didn’t remember the name of so I couldn’t easily filter for it!