Guide for CCTV Snapshot on motion, send to Google Generative AI & get notification with description & snapshot

Needed Google to translate the error - seems to be “Action Unknow” or something similar.

So making an assumption, but is seems your automation “automation.camera_1_snapshot_on_motion” is referring / calling a script that doesn’t exist. May me as simple a missing letter, in the name or the script is called something different.

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Great thanks to Aussi_Adam! I have multiple cameras on my system and didn’t want to have multiple sets of automations and scripts to maintain so I made some slight modifications to the Automation and script to handle an arbitrary number of cameras.


alias: Unifi Cameras Motion AI SMS Snapshot
description: ""
  - trigger: state
      - binary_sensor.ai_pro_driveway_motion
      - binary_sensor.ai_pro_frontyard_motion
      - binary_sensor.ai_pro_backyard_motion
      # add additional cameras here
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
conditions: []
  - action: script.camera_snapshot_ai_notification
    metadata: {}
      camera_id: "{{ device_id(trigger.entity_id) }}"
      camera_name: "{{ device_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'name') }}"
mode: single

And here is the modified Script to go along with it:

alias: Camera - Snapshot AI & Notification
  - metadata: {}
      filename: ./www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot1.jpg
      device_id: "{{ camera_id }}"
    enabled: true
    action: camera.snapshot
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 500
    enabled: true
  - metadata: {}
      filename: ./www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot2.jpg
      device_id: "{{ camera_id }}"
    enabled: true
    action: camera.snapshot
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 500
    enabled: true
  - metadata: {}
      filename: ./www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot3.jpg
      device_id: "{{ camera_id }}"
    enabled: true
    action: camera.snapshot
  - metadata: {}
      prompt: >-
        Motion has been detected, compare and very briefly describe what you see
        in the following sequence of images from my {{ camera_name }} camera.
        What do you think caused the motion alarm? If a person or car is
        present, describe them in detail. Do not describe stationary objects or
        buildings. If you see no obvious causes of motion, reply with "No
        Obvious Motion Detected." Your message needs to be short enough to fit
        in a phone notification. 
        - ./www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot1.jpg
        - ./www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot2.jpg
        - ./www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot3.jpg
    response_variable: generated_content
    action: google_generative_ai_conversation.generate_content
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ 'No Obvious Motion Detected.' in generated_content.text }}"
      - stop: ""
# The following action and delay are needed for me because of the SMTP
# integration I'm using for notify.  It complains about the MIME-type of the snapshot
# JPEGs.  fixup_jpeg calls ImageMagic to re-encode the jpg file which fixes the
# problem.
      - action: shell_command.fixup_jpeg
          image_file: ./www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot2.jpg
      - delay:
          hours: 0
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 0
          milliseconds: 500
      - metadata: {}
          title: "{{ camera_name }} Motion Detected"
          message: "{{generated_content['text'] }}"
# SMTP integration fails when using ./local/ path here for inclusion in
# MMS message.  Probably ./local/ only works for HTML embedding.
              - /config/www/snapshots/{{ camera_name }}_snapshot2.jpg
        action: notify.family_sms
mode: single
description: ""

I’ve been using this setup fairly successfully until today, when I started getting 503 errors (basically server not responding), and latency of up to 10 minutes waiting for a reply from Gemini AI. This wasn’t me sending too much data, it appears to be a failure on their side.

Either way, if the camera detects motion, I’d still like to get a notification, and if AI can’t analyze it, I’ll do it myself visually. I don’t want my script to sit there for ten minutes doing nothing. Here’s roughly what I’d like to do:

  • Send 3 images to Gemini with the prompt
  • Wait no more than 10 seconds for an answer
  • if {{ generated_content == “” }}, send the 2nd image with a message “AI failed”
  • otherwise, send the AI generated_text as a message along with the image in a notification.

Is there a way to “wrap” the Gemini AI call in a timeout function or something?

Hi all, I’ve had the similar violation error - but have appealed and I think successfully resolved.

I am though having problems sending the JPG image to Telegram. It’s saving the image and I’m getting the analysis done in Gemini. But I still can’t get it to send the image. Any ideas?

Here is my automation

id: '**xxxxxxx**'
  alias: Camera 1 - Snapshot on motion
  description: Reolink Camera Snapshot
  - type: motion
    device_id: **xxxxxx**
    entity_id: **xxxxxx**
    domain: binary_sensor
    trigger: device
  conditions: []
  - action: script.camera_driveway_1_snapshot_ai_notification
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
  mode: single

And here’s the script to go with it:

  alias: Camera - Driveway 1 - Snapshot, AI & Notification
  - metadata: {}
      filename: ./www/snapshots/driveway1_snapshot1.jpg
      device_id: **xxxxxxx**
    enabled: true
    action: camera.snapshot
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 500
    enabled: true
  - metadata: {}
      filename: ./www/snapshots/driveway1_snapshot2.jpg
      device_id: **xxxxxxxx**
    enabled: true
    action: camera.snapshot
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 500
    enabled: true
  - metadata: {}
      filename: ./www/snapshots/driveway1_snapshot3.jpg
      device_id: **xxxxxxxxx**
    enabled: true
    action: camera.snapshot
  - metadata: {}
      prompt: 'Motion has been detected, compare and very briefly describe what you
        see in the following sequence of images from my driveway camera number 1.
        What do you think caused the motion alarm? If a person or car is present,
        describe them in detail. Do not describe stationary objects or buildings.
        If you see no obvious causes of motion, reply with "No Obvious Motion Detected."
        Your message needs to be short enough to fit in a phone notification. '
      - ./www/snapshots/driveway1_snapshot1.jpg
      - ./www/snapshots/driveway1_snapshot2.jpg
      - ./www/snapshots/driveway1_snapshot3.jpg
    response_variable: generated_content
    action: google_generative_ai_conversation.generate_content
  - if:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ ''No Obvious Motion Detected.'' in generated_content.text
    - stop: ''
    - metadata: {}
        title: Driveway 1 Motion Detected
        message: '{{generated_content[''text''] }}'
          file: /local/snapshots/driveway1_snapshot2.jpg
          chat_id: **xxxxxxxx**
      action: notify.homeassistant
  mode: single
  description: Reolink Doorbell

And here’s what I have in my config.yaml file:

# Telegram Bot
  - platform: polling
    api_key: "**xxxxxx**"
      - **xxxxx**
      # Notifier
  - platform: telegram
    name: "Homeassistant"
    chat_id: **xxxxxx**

    - /config/www/snapshots

Interesting suddenly getting the same problem.

Quick heads up with a setup like this if your using Cloudflare.
Cloudflare is set to default to cache file types, so you might keep getting the same old image sent to your phone, if the file name never changes.
It can be fixed on the cloudflare console to stop caching *.JPG or what ever file format you are using.

How do you appeal with google gemini if it starts giving the 503?

I don’t believe a 5XX error is anything you can/need to appeal with Google. In web dev, it’s an internal service error, which means something went wrong on their side. A 4XX error would generally be something about permissions or rate limiting.

What I don’t like is that there’s no timeout on this integration - last time this happened the script sat for 10 minutes. Since I have it in single mode, no other iterations were allowed to run. I wonder if I add a delay to the automation and then allow the script to run in parallel mode (instead of single) I might get notifications without the entire thing hanging.

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This is brilliant, thank you. You’ve helped me reduce 8 automations and identical scripts down to one of each and made me slightly less terrible at script variables and templating at the same time.

I want to add that I’m using script.turn_on instead of calling the script directly because I’m experimenting with workarounds for when Gemini is unresponsive. I’m calling the automation in queued mode with a 5 second delay (for rate-limiting) and the script in parallel mode so if one fails to run there’s a chance the next one will work. Supposedly using the script.turn_on means the automation won’t wait for the script to finish before running again (I’ve only read that, but haven’t tested it).

The YAML to pass variables to the script with the script.turn_on call is slightly different:

action: script.turn_on
metadata: {}
    camera_id: "{{ device_id(trigger.entity_id) }}"
    camera_name: "{{ device_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'name') }}"
  entity_id: script.general_camera_snapshot_ai_notification

Where “general_camera_snapshot_ai_notification” is what I named my script.

Anyone knows how to resolve the RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error? I tried to adjust the quota but it didn’t help:

> Blockquote Error: Error generating content: 429 Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Generate Content API requests per minute' and limit 'GenerateContent request limit per minute for a region' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:xxxxxx'. [reason: "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" domain: "" metadata { key: "service" value: "" } metadata { key: "quota_metric" value: "" } metadata { key: "quota_location" value: "europe-west4" } metadata { key: "quota_limit" value: "GenerateContentRequestsPerMinutePerProjectPerRegion" } metadata { key: "quota_limit_value" value: "0" } metadata { key: "consumer" value: "projects/xxxxxx" } , links { description: "Request a higher quota limit." url: "" } ]

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got the same error today
Error: Error generating content: 429 Quota exceeded for quota metric ‘Generate Content API requests per minute’ and limit ‘GenerateContent request limit per minute for a region’ of service ‘’ for consumer ‘project_number:1034246050621’. [reason: “RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED” domain: “” metadata { key: “service” value: “” } metadata { key: “quota_metric” value: “” } metadata { key: “quota_location” value: “europe-west4” } metadata { key: “quota_limit” value: “GenerateContentRequestsPerMinutePerProjectPerRegion” } metadata { key: “quota_limit_value” value: “0” } metadata { key: “consumer” value: “projects/1034246050621” } , links { description: “Request a higher quota limit.” url: “View and manage quotas  |  Cloud Quotas  |  Google Cloud” } ]


I only have 1 camera and , i have only had 20 responces. I have had the blueprint installed for only 3 days, and the camera triggers 6 or 7 times a day?

I got my project reinstated by Google after 2 appeals, but now I’m getting “[google.api_core.retry] Retrying due to 503 The model is overloaded. Please try again later.” errors practically every time I run my test script.

Perhaps Google Generative AI has become overloaded? I’ve read on SO that switching to Vertex AI has helped people get past this, but I’m not sure if/how we can even do that.

This is awesome, thank you for the guide.

I have 1 question, based on the results from Google, is it possible to run an automation to flash lights or something. I have just left my dog in the garden for 30 minutes while making dinner and didnt look at my phone to the notifications about a dog in the garden…

I feel so bad :pensive:

That depend on you camera if it has flashlight. You can create an automation like (sorry for indentation, I’m not home right now):

action: light.turn_on
entity_id: camera_floodlight

But if you don’t notice your dog than it’s better to create an automation to announce via media player

Just FYI. The 429 error is because Google’s servers are being used by premium clients. They have “provisioned throughput subscriptions” and such.

I have billing enabled, am paying to use Gemini and also getting 429. Been getting it since 1130AM and it is now 430PM.

If you don’t have a Provisioned Throughput subscription and resources aren’t available to your application , then an error code 429 is returned. Although you don’t have reserved capacity, you can try your request again.

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Did you manage to get this working for your Eufy cameras?

No, I created my own which just plays a wav on a speaker and then resumes any audio/music that was playing.

Sorry was talking about getting snapshots off your Eufy cameras and feeding them to google?

Yes, I’m getting the same even though I enabled billing for my project. I sent one request to Gemini and got a 429 a few hours ago. This is now completely useless. I have figured out a way to bypass the AI and send me the image with an alert saying “No AI Available” in a pinch (I’ll post that this afternoon in case it helps anyone), but what are people using as an alternative? I’ve seen OpenAI mentioned but I haven’t looked into it yet.

I’d be perfectly happy to pay for my miniscule usage of a service like this, but I’d like it to actually work.

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I installed the LLM Vision integration (HACS):

Set up an API key for OpenAI/ChatGPT, put a few dollars into a billing account, and so far it’s working GREAT. Didn’t require too many tweaks to the existing script - just changing the path for the images to send to AI and the generated_content[‘text’] is now generated_content[‘response_text’]. The beauty of how this was set up by people above is that I only had to alter the script; the automation/triggers are the same.

Thrilled to have a working AI image analyzer again and have no issues paying for it - I think I’ve sent it around 10-15 images so far for testing and I’ve spent about 4 cents.

Plus, OpenAI lets you implement true billing caps, unlike Google, so you can really cap your spend instead of hoping something doesn’t go awry while you’re on vacation, etc.

At first I wasn’t sure about adding another layer to this (with another integration) but having an abstraction layer between my script and the AI means it should be easier to switch AI providers later if (ahem) someone manages to buy OpenAI and turn it into something that doesn’t work.