Guide: How to learn broadlink RF codes

Btw when I did this with the e-control app it generally worked better, so maybe an old phone is the way to go/

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Broadlink doesn’t function as a dedicated receiver in home assistant.

Yes, I figured that, thanks for clarifying.
I have an RTL-SDR that’s working well for receiving, but I had the thought it might be possible more easily with the Broadlink.

I asked around and googled a while ago and it seems it can’t be a receiver

I gave up with broadlink because it was too fiddly and I just went down the Sonoff RF bridge tasmota firmware portisch router. Way more hassle to flash but once done it worked every time.

Shout if you need help flashing the portisch firmware then shout.

If you can offer any information on flashing the RF bridge with this firmware I would appreciate it. The information I found is not very clear.


  1. remove/bend the light from the board (plenty of guides on that)
  2. turn the physical switch to off
  3. flash tasmota RF (standard one is RF compatible) using a flasher like this
  4. choose Bridge in setting of tasmota

do as above but do don’t cut the tracks, just use the USB flasher to power the device while flashing. I never soldiered I just used jumper cables which I later removed once working.

  1. flash portisch firmware and reboot
  2. from the tasmota console issue run rfraw 177 to sniff button presses on remote.
  3. convert results using online converter.
  4. add converted codes to HA config

Hello guys! Im from Chile, I have my Broadlink RM Pro+ that I bought to use the RF for my Curtains/Blinds/persianas, but it is not working. I tested with the e-control app, with the HA and all the steps that I read before, but I can’t… I dont know if the codes are encrypted or what, but I can’t. Any idea about what is happening? Some times I see large codes like @Motorhead (sgC+AFRUVFSgKSwUFiksKSwpKykXEywpFxMXFBYULCkWFCwoFxQWFCsqFhQXExcUKxQXFBYUFikXEywUFiksKSwUFhQXExcpFhQsFBYpLBQWKRcUKxQXKRYUFQAEKFRTVVNUVFRUU1RUVFRUoCksFBcoLCksKSspFxQrKhYUFhQXEywpFhQsKRYUFhQsKRcTFxQWFCwUFhQWFBcpFhQsFBYpLCkrFBcUFhQWKhYUKxQXKSwUFikWFCwUFikXExYABdwAAAAAAAAAAAAA’) but still not working, some times when I click Call Service I receive an instant notification of “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” but without any push or the main blind control…

So, I need to understand if im failing or if I can’t with these motors (the brand of these are Tube Tubular Motors). If someone can talk via zoom, or something, ill be happy! I need this!


Please try to keep thread on topic

Are you using the script to get the codes? Are you using the base 64 ones? All of mine finish in “=”

Which script/Cual script? :slight_smile:

Sorry… now i understand… im using e-control app and the 12 steps from @ladaowner just to see the codes in the HA, and then moving to the scripts… but my problem is that i cant see any code…

if still having problems can try alternative method to get RF codes - Broadlink Manager

for me broadlink manager never worked for RF singals

reboot is very important and instruction must be followed 100%

yeap, i did it a lot of times… but nothing happened… Do you know if some encryption or this is not possible for RF?

Some RF devices have rolling codes aka encryption so will never work.

yeap… i think that this is my case… :frowning:

That’s not your case if you can’t see the codes it is not due to rolling codes. If the code keeps changing every use them or is rolling codes.

Hello Mike, would you elaborate a little bit ?