GUITION 4" 480x480 ESP32-S3-4848S040 Smart Display with LVGL

No, these are definitely indents, I’ll try to reproduce this tomorrow. I thought that the shift was due to the shadow, but it seems that it is not so…

If you put them on top of each other, the bottom one doesn’t work when you touch it with your finger.

Well, sure - only one is going to be manually adjustable. Isn’t the other one just to show current temperature? So it would go behind I would have thought, with the top one having a transparent background e.g.

Or if you want the one behind to be adjustable, make the top one clickable: false.

But you aren’t going to be able to have both of them adjustable.

Thank you! I just updated the external_components to:

  - source: github://clydebarrow/esphome@lvgl
    refresh: 10min
    components: [ lvgl ]

And now I get this message:
[btn] is an invalid option for [theme]. Did you mean [button]?
[btnmatrix] is an invalid option for [theme]. Did you mean [buttonmatrix]?

Were these renamed over the weekend?
Thank you!

Come on, you can read GitHub too


@clydebarrow what I can’t work out from GitHub is progress with getting this into esphome releases. Is that slated to happen? Or is this to remain your side project?


PR for LVGL support has been merged into ESPHome 5 days ago. So It will be included in ESPHome 2024.8 :tada:


That’s partial support only, not actually usable. There are several more PRs to come, no guarantee that will all be done by the next beta.


Thanks, this will be a game changer, particularly as it is already quite well adopted (as in there seem to be already a lot of people using it.)

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I try to lower a brightness of the screen, but couldn’t find any information. ( is it possible or not)
Thank you

Is it not GPIO38?

Yes, it is, but how to make it dimmable?

# Internal outputs
    # Backlight LED
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO38
    id: GPIO38
    frequency: 100Hz
    # Built in 120v relay
  - id: internal_relay_1
    platform: gpio
    pin: 40

  - platform: monochromatic
    output: GPIO38
    name: Backlight
    id: backlight
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON

I can turn it On and OFF, but can’t dim up and down ( at least I don’t know how)

I’m new - I have web_server: turned on, so when 'visit’ing, there is an adjustment… I set it and ferget it from there…

The same way as you adjust any other light entity.

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Thank you. I didn’t think that way. I was thinking toward lvgl on the device itself. Will try today.

Hi! “clickable: false” is what I need, thanks)) As it turns out, everything is simple)

You could use the on_value event of a slider or arc to set the light brightness.

Something like:

      - slider:
          min_value: 0
          max_value: 50
            - light.turn_on:
                id: lv_light
                brightness: !lambda return x / 50.0;
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@clydebarrow is it possible to use a color picker to change the color of the lamp? I understand that this is not yet implemented for esphome.
Also, can you tell me how to return the relay state when the power is turned off? So that when the display boots up, if the Wi-Fi is not connected for a long time, the relay does not constantly click.

No colour picker yet - that will come in time.

Not sure what the other question is all about, but it sounds like you would be better asking in the #general-support Discord channel.

I want to dim a display backlight and slider didn’t help me with that.