HA CPU temps

Look at the glances component

website for glances, has install instructions

Or netdata.

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Netdata sounds promising. If not I’ll check glances.

Thank you

Are you running Hassio did you install in a virtual environment?

If the latter you can run a command line sensor and pull the data that way.

That’s what I was trying. Can you explain how to do it?


Are you running it on RaspberryPi?
That only work with RaspberryPi.

use this:

- platform: command_line
  name: CPU Temperature
  command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"
  value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'

I am running on a NUC with debian and it works perfectly

EDIT: Sorry, @silvrr, I didn’t see you posted the same thing.


Thanks for this! I needed F and couldn’t figure out how to output it with the command so I adjusted the template to:

value_template: '{{ (((value * 0.001) * 9/5) + 32) | round(0) }}'

I will try, but pretty sure it won’t do.
When I do: cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp at the command line nothing happen.


How did you install?

Again if on a non Hassio install try:

cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp

When I got home I’ll try.

This is what I got:

paulo@paulo_server:~$ cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp
cat: '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp': No such file or directory

This is the only way to get only the CPU temp Value, nothing else. That I found.

root@paulo_server:/home/paulo#  /usr/bin/sensors | grep "CPU Temperature" | cut -c18-28

Finaly done.



Here is the code if someone need:

- platform: command_line
    name: CPU Server
    command: "sensors | grep 'CPU Temperature' | awk '{ print $3 }'"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.1) | round(1) }}'

Thanks to anyone that spent some time to help me.


$ cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone?/temp

will list the contents of the temp files in all the thermal zones.


I’m running on a virtual machine Ubuntu 18.10 , tried without success, did you install anything on Ubuntu?
trying to show temps on hassio

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If running Hassio on a NUC, what is the proper way to get CPU temp? Using the Hassio command line or the host?

try this:

paste <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/type) <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp) | column -s $'\t' -t | sed 's/\(.\)..$/.\1°C/'

then this:

- platform: command_line
  name: CPU Temperature
  command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/temp"
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"
  value_template: "{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(2) }}"


The command gives the following result:

cat: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/temp: No data available
acpitz 27.8°C
acpitz 29.8°C
iwlwifi 52.0°C

Thank you @badstraw.
I am running HA in a Docker on Ubuntu on a NUC and used your config entry to get a perfect result.
Beers are on me!