Press your profile button on the lower left corner and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Create token.
Ok, done. thanks for that
and where can I find the sensors now ?
When it comes to notifications with images, is there a way to get it work if the connection to the home assistant is through cloud and the path to the images is inside of the www folder?
For iOS and Android this would be done something like this
service: notify.device
title: "Awesome"
message: "look at this cat"
ttl: 0
priority: high
image: /local/cat_pictures/dog.jpg
But this setup doesn’t seem to work at all. Following the example on github to load an image from the web works perfectly.
For what its worth great work with this application I really felt that the possibility to connect in a more proper way with home assistant was missing from windows and this at least for me ticks all the boxes for what I need.
With an exception for the issue I have above, which is in no way show stopping for me.
I really wish you had a buy me coffee link or something