
Downloaded it again and I get the same error.

@Hellis81 maybe try to register app then close it vith close butoon not x button and then start it again sometime HA badly rebister WS when registering it when just conect to registered instance everything work at leas for me

I have tried that also.
I get this popup:


So I believe the issue is not in the app but something with HA and the communication to the computer.
It could be that since message is blocked since it’s a work computer.
Our computers are so crippled they aren’t much of computers anymore.

Can you PM me Full LOG ?

i made one more build for you Release Lets Fix All Bugs! · GamerClassN7/HA_Desktop_Companion · GitHub try it then send me full log file :slight_smile: need to go to diner with GF see you at monday

I think I have found the issue, or at least something related to it.

But I can’t enable it.
I’ll have to see what needs to be done

I had to edit this automation in case anyone has copied parts of it.
wait for trigger does not trigger if the stat is already the wanted state.

The workaround I found is to have a if-then, to only wait for trigger if the state is on.

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Hello Finally manage to impalement Images image
Could you try to test tomorrow new beta version ? help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Also per native app guideline I need to alter key in data to image/video/audio

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I have this disable ass well :slight_smile: those are native browser notifications, Can you please provide information if Websocket notification are working on same network on your mobile phone ?

I can send notifications to my phones without issues.
The phones are set to Always websocket communication

New Release Release Let's share some images :D · GamerClassN7/HA_Desktop_Companion · GitHub

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Did you filled in same URL ? as to my app ?

I just looked. The phone app has the trailing / in the URL.
Previously ( not the previous version), adding the trailing / crashed the Desktop app.

Currently the app says it has the / at the end but I assumed you trimmed that off?
But apart from that it’s the same nabu casa URL

Can you please post what you get ehn you try to load this ? image
in your browser and your nabucasa url ?

I tried to contact devs on Discord if they can share some light on topic , i hope they can share some light :slight_smile:

I get the same response.

No WebSocket UPGRADE hdr: None
 Can "Upgrade" only to "WebSocket".

on a computer that “has issues”

Thanks for new realese, but no image in notifications.

That is really weird singe i get response that server did not accepted the connection, need to wait if devs share some light regarding the release

Can you post screen of your notification ?

i tested it right now and it is workind as it should image

my test notification payload

Have changed old automation from url to image and it is working!
Great job! Thank you very much!