Ha-fusion: A modern, easy-to-use and performant custom Home Assistant dashboard

I don’t believe the media card has been fully implemented yet, so it requires adding manually. Here’s how the code looks for my card setup:

- name: Media
    - type: media
      id: 5425036125524
        - entity_id: sensor.recently_added
          name: Recently Added
          icon: mdi:plex
          color: orange
        - entity_id: media_player.living_room_apple_tv
        - entity_id: media_player.bedroom_apple_tv
        - entity_id: media_player.spotify

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Wow that’s really impressive. I’ll give it a try soon

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Wow, fusion will change everything!!
Great. Hopefully we‘ll see soon progress

Outstanding work :100: Apologies I’m not versed on the capabilities of the original version of this, but will there be a time where we can use script syntax to set color, icons per state? (even if not in the UI, clobbered by UI) I use a combination door lock and contact sensor mushroom entity card, shows particular color and icon when particular states of both entities. Again, you’re absolutely crushing it and looking forward to what’s ahead!

This is really amazing! Waiting for what the future brings into this!
Please, how do we make fusion a default dashboard? I could not find the option in the profile drop down…

I believe you will need this custom component to create the “recently_added” sensor: GitHub - custom-components/sensor.plex_recently_added: ▶️ Plex component to feed Upcoming Media Card.

Awesome work! Is it possible to combine with a picture elements based yaml? E.g. with a floorplan view

Wow — looks amazing - just what I need for a home tablet :slight_smile:

You can share pictures and maybe a full code :slight_smile:

I would love to receive your ideas

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Brilliant! so responsive and easy! I can’t wait to see new features like graphs and other objects etc. that you can insert. For example, it would also be great if you could display the buttons in a square format. They are currently a bit too small for my tablet. Or my fingers are too big :slight_smile:

Thank you and

Hi Looks interesting but when I try and add your repository I get the following error. Any ideas ?
HA 2024.1.3
Intel NUC

Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(255) cmdline: git clone -v --recursive --depth=1 --shallow-submodules -- https://github.com/matt8707/addon-ha-fusion /data/addons/git/65f67727 stderr: 'Cloning into '/data/addons/git/65f67727'... fatal: cannot exec 'remote-https': Permission denied '

Thanks for the amazing work. This is going to improve HA exposure.

a question,
After installation - I get an error (as shown in the picture), is it supposed to be like this?

Probably a dumb question but how do I show only the dashboard and not the rest of the HA ui?

Mine didnt work, got an empty blank media card hahaha

I founda little bug adding an input_button.



Having fun building my dashboard with this integration, good job!

It’s not a bug, the size of the icon is large, choose something smaller and everything will fit in the right way.

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Thanks, I notice that the icons 32x32 fits perfectly.


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Hi this dashboard is great, it took me a day to customize my dashboard instead of the 3 months that took me to learn how to use yaml to replicate Mattias last dashboard. Does anybody knows how to open the companion app on the fusion dashboard instead of the lovelace? I tried using chrome and full kiosk on android but sometimes just keep refreshing on those browsers.


What this do?

I didnt find on docs…

It’s nice, I was able to make my first very basic dashboard with Fusion but can’t make it my default dashboard . Can anybody help me how to do that? It’s my first steps with HA at all.

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Hi, i love this new dashboard, its amazing!

i have a short question, i dont use Plex.
is there any option to show here any other image, aslong my AppleTV or Sky is off?

              - type: media
                id: 5276106620601
                  - entity_id: sensor.plex_recently_added
                    name: Medien sind aus
                    icon: simple-icons:appletv
                    color: blue
                  - entity_id: media_player.appletv
                    name: Apple TV
                    icon: simple-icons:appletv
                  - entity_id: media_player.sky_q
                    name: Sky
                    icon: simple-icons:sky


im just starting with HA, sorry if this is a noob question.
thanks in advance