Ha-fusion: A modern, easy-to-use and performant custom Home Assistant dashboard

hi can i ask where do you add that code?
in HA-Fusion yaml Code editor it only allows addig Button or Kamera to the main area.
K.R Issa

There is a link in third post by flufftronix or you can access the file on github page.

Press the </> button next to edit. This allows you to config using yaml

Thx, when I tried adding anything other than button or Kamera the dashboard crashes :frowning:

Can we use browser mod pop up in this theme?

Will more “Widgets” follows for the RIGHT Side “Main” Panels? Like on the modal Side?

I know ITS pre Beta and i have to be Patient

Hello guys, how do I add “buttons” to the horizontal stack?

When I press the “app drawer icon” nothing happens, when I add a “object” nothing happens :grimacing:

Hey Jeroen,

I’ve been able to do this with copying the yaml code from one other view…

Good luck!

First add a new section.
Then add objects to that section.
Finally drag the section into the horizontal stack (you can’t add objects directly to a horizontal stack.)

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This looks very promising. It’s much easier/faster to work with than a lot of other dashboard/layout tools I’ve tried.

Am I missing something though? How are people manually adding the media cards? I can’t find a “manual code” option and when I try to add an option I only see these three:

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the “Code” button that you can only see when you’re not in Edit mode. Oops.

I like how simple and straightforward this looks though. I hope the built-in HASS dashboard tools can head in a direction like this.

I have tried button template in 2024.2.0, works fine.

Howevver I’m bit confused templating in button service.

Can anyone help me to make this code work?

My intent was default light.toggle(entity_id which is laundry room ceiling light), but when specific Grocy timestamp is not qualified(when I didn’t pull out the laundry after washing machine finished), it perform specific service ‘grocy.execute_chore’.

Neither light toggle and execute chore work.

{% if is_state('binary_sensor.kitchen_washer', 'on') and is_state('binary_sensor.bathroom_dryer', 'off') %}
  service: light.toggle
  data: { entity_id: {{ entity_id }} }
{% elif is_state('binary_sensor.kitchen_washer', 'off') and is_state('binary_sensor.bathroom_dryer', 'on') %}
  service: light.toggle
  data: { entity_id: {{ entity_id }} }
{% elif is_state('binary_sensor.kitchen_washer', 'off') and is_state('binary_sensor.bathroom_dryer', 'off') %}
  {% set chore_5_time = state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores', 'chores') | selectattr('id', 'equalto', 5) | map(attribute='last_tracked_time') | first %}
  {% set chore_6_time = state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores', 'chores') | selectattr('id', 'equalto', 6) | map(attribute='last_tracked_time') | first %}
  {% set chore_7_time = state_attr('sensor.grocy_chores', 'chores') | selectattr('id', 'equalto', 7) | map(attribute='last_tracked_time') | first %}  
  {% set time5 = as_timestamp(chore_5_time) %}
  {% set time6 = as_timestamp(chore_6_time) %}
  {% set time7 = as_timestamp(chore_7_time) %}
  {% if time5 < time6 < time7 %}
    service: light.toggle
    data: { entity_id: {{ entity_id }} }
  {% elif time5 > time6 %}
    service: grocy.execute_chore
    data: { chore_id: '6' }
  {% elif time6 > time7 %}
    service: grocy.execute_chore
    data: { chore_id: '7' }
  {% endif %}
{% elif is_state('binary_sensor.kitchen_washer', 'on') and is_state('binary_sensor.bathroom_dryer', 'on') %}
  service: light.toggle
  data: { entity_id: {{ entity_id }} }
{% endif %}

I have a problem to get the thermostat to work, When I switch them to heating, nothing happens.
I juse Tado Thermostats, a

ny solution?

It’s beautiful, but far too lacking for someone who doesn’t know code.

When i try to open the ha-fusion dashboard in the home assistant iOS App, or in the Home Assistant App on my Android Tablett i get this message, what is wrong? Why did‘nt it work like on a PC Browser by Internet?

How do you get these headlines in the sidebar?

Seems to be a common problem - see Github issues.

You can open HA Fusion alone with IP:8099 (Port depends on your HA Fusion config).

Hello. Please tell me why you can use different cards on the side panel and only three on the main one. At the same time, one is empty.
And in the sidebar you can use
type: graph
but the main one is not.

when I try to save the code… the save button doesn’t work…

Hello All,

I am sure I am doing something wrong here, because I don’t know what I am doing. I am trying to add a media player. See my code below:


The above code is yielding this result:


I know that the device is on, and I am able to control that entity from HA.

Any help would be very much appreciated. I am sure I just did this wrong.