HA lights sends true/false | native knx-devives send 1/0 | MDT

Hi there,

I have a question/problem regarding the knx implementation.

I’ve got the following problem:
I have a light device defined in my configuration.yaml. The device can be controlled from the dashboard (on/off).

    - name: "Kitchen"
      address: "1/0/35"

My native knx-devices are from MDT.


  • When I send the “on” command from the dashboard (HA), there will be emitted a true.
  • When I use a MDT push device there will be send a 1.

Sometimes it does work, so the Switch Actuator will be set channel to “on”.

My question:
Can I overwrite the HA lights to send a 1/0? I think this is my problem in this case.

That’s technically the same.
Try to configure a state_address.


the state_address is already set.

As you can see in the first post. A false will be sent and nothing happend to state. Here is a working example:

This works sometimes, but not all the time. Therefore there must be a difference.

Try using ETS group monitor. This sounds like a connection or topology problem or something like that.