HA on a Synology. Docker or not? Confusing

Hey guys,

I recently got started with HA and first thing I’m stumbling with already is the right way of installation. As I’m running some docker images alread on my Synology NAS and resources are enough I wanted to run HA there too - basically because it doesn’t mean to run and maintain another piece of hardware. Docker is the obvious choice for stuff like that but after following the guide I found out that I only installed HA, not HASS.io which kind of seems to make it harder to get addons to run. I noticed there are quite a lot of addons available as docker images but I can’t seem to get an overview which are and which aren’t and how to install them in connection with the official Docker image.

Am I just not finding the docs for that or are there none? Can anyone give me a hint on how to best proceed? I found some older discussion about a hassio docker image but that’s outdated for over a year now. I would love to stay on the docker train as it’s just easy for me ton maintain and something that I’m used to. I saw some other more hacky ways to install HA on the Syno itself… generally shouldn’t be a real advantage.

Any help on that is appreciated.

EDIT: forgot to add that I of course found some images like https://hub.docker.com/r/homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor but I’m unsure about what supervisor means in that context and the image doesn’t have a single Readme line or docs link or something :-/

For Docker you have 2 options:

  1. Install the Home Assistant Docker conmtainer
  2. Install the 2 Hassio Docker containers.

If you see something referencing an “addon” that is a Hassio addon. Home Assistant has custom components but not addons.

This link indicates the python version from synology dies not support newer Home Assistant versions. (only 0.64.3 or earlier)


I have a Synology server and I was never able to get it working installing it directly on the server. I went the Docker route and it’s been very stable.

ALL add-ons are docker images, and you cannot install any of them directly with regular Home Assistant docker. They will only run with HASSIO.

Hassio consists of 2 containers: the supervisor which manages all of the HA ecosystem, and the home assistant docker container. The supervisor manages the deployment of Home Assistant and all the add-ons.

If you want the FUNCTIONALITY of the add-ons, you either need to manually configure docker images to run (look at what the add-ons are BASED off of, and use that image) alongside and communicate with normal home assistant or you need to run Hassio.

How does your Docker setup look now? What containers are you running and how are you doing addons?

what does “run Hassio” mean from a Docker perspective? I only found the supervisor image so I guess running Hassio means running something outside of docker but that itself then runs docker images?

It’s a bit confusing as the Docker setup instructions only talk about the HA docker image and don’t talk about addons at all and Hassio itself doesn’t seem to have any docker install instructions.

Sorry for asking dumb Noob questions here…

Here is the closest to general installation instructions.

With the appropriate prerequisites, you can run hassio from a Generic Linux install on Docker (just like the documentation tells you).

No, it’s a little more complicated than that. You can’t just grab the supervisor image and expect it to work. There are mount points and configurations that need to be in place. If you take the time to read the install script, you can duplicate this yourself.

Because the straight docker way is just Home Assistant, not Hassio. Add-ons will only work with Hassio. The setup instructions for hassio on docker are a lot different than home assistant docker. Home assistant docker just requires you to pull and run the image. Hassio on Docker is more in depth (read the install script)

Addons are only with Hassio. I’m using Home Assistant docker. I’m using docker-compose.yaml to create my system but with Synology You can pull the latest HASS docker image and mount it to your docker file location and it should start downloading and create the configuration file for you.