HA Scheduler Addon

@michelebossa thank you very much for the quick fix. Here is the results of calling the service from Developer Tools-Services:

  1. In .json file, “enable”: changes to “false” or “true” according to input request.
  2. I can see the following in Log file:
[14:27:32] INFO: Read alias: quarantine_all_covers:enable_off
Daemon Kill 312
Daemon Start

On the other hand, when i call enable_off; the enable button is still ‘ON’ both on summary page and on edit details page. I don’t know in real if this visual button or json file takes precedence, so i have to test it for some more…

I have to restart HA Scheduler to see the result effects on button.

It is not necessary to restart the addon it is just the frontend to be reload by the related button. (The demon are already received the correct status )


Try to push.


Yep, it works perfectly fine; Thank you very much once again…

Hi great work! Works very nice.

Is it possible to use input_datetime to set the Time value in your addon? So we can control via the Lovelace? I think that would be a nice feature

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that would be good!

Thanks for the feedback but the addon it is born to have a separate schedule web page integrated by ingress to HA + panel tab. At moment the best way to use an input date time from front end of HA it is a standard automation.
Sorry I can’t add these possibility becouse there is some design and development obstacle.

In group name is not possible to have spaces. hassio.addon_stdin did not work with spaces in group name.

This looks really nice. Is there a way to install this on a non Hassio setup? Additonal container next to Hass docker container on Synology NAS?

There is no possibility to use a non Hassio setup because i’m using the authentication mechanism related to an Hassio addon.

Not sure if i can use this addon
I’m running raspbian : Home assistant supervised.
Thats not hassio right? so i cant use this?

Yes you can. The name hassio is retired months ago. Add-ons are available on homeassistant OS and homeassistant supervised.

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Hi All,
I have added the filter to drop-down selection box.


is it possible to switch an input_boolean?
Tried to create a template binary_sensor which holds its own state but that did not work.
I just want an entity for a condition in an automation without any action or logic behind.
I don’t care if its an binary sensor, input or switch.

I’m pushing the version 0.13 to add the input_boolean.



Great work!

I have tested the climate control and the use of :Txx. It seams to work good.
As for climate control, normally there is the need for lowering the temp at night and sometimes even in day time (when you are at work)
Based on this it would be nice to have more “ON” options for each day.

On 06:00:00:T22 (start heating in the morning)
On 08:00:00:T17 ( lower temp when going to work)
On 15:00:00:T22 (start heating before coming home from work)
On 23:30:00:T17 (lower temp. for night)

I know it is possible to have 4 pcs. separate schedules, but this will be a bit messy if you have 6-7 different climate units to control

I hope you are able to consider this


Thanks for the feedback it is not an easy change to do i need to modify all element of addon. (fronted/storing data /demon)

At moment i don’t have the free time to try to implement this feature request.

Maybe in the future.


Ok, I understand

Could you please clarify how the storting is done when creating new schedule. Is this just put random inside the others or is it sorted by name?

I tried different names, but sometimes the new schedule is put between already created one …

i’m checking and it is sorted by an internal generated ID i’m changing to add a sort on name of schedule. Tomorrow i’m releasing new version with these little fix

Thanks, great!


Just for your consideration if you sometime is changing the scheduler with more “ON” options as discussed above
Could it be easier to have a drop down box for selecting “ON” or “OFF”? If implemented with today’s solution, there will at least two “ON” for each schedule

I guess this will be an easier fix than my example above with 4 pcs. of “ON”
