HA Scheduler Addon

Hey! Mind sharing your code for that? Something like this would be great so family can easily set schedules without yaml or admin. Thanks!

I’m pushing the version 0.14 to add the possibility to set brightness value on light and a sort on name of scheduler.


Thanks for your fast response

Hi there, this is something that I am looking for as well, however as a suggestion, could you possibly look at at adding the following to it.

Allows users to select a dates as well as times, so you could then use this to control for example holiday lighting.

Or google calendar integration.

Hi, I’m trying to create an automation to turn a schedule on. I have the following: -

I’ve also tried to rename my schedule to something without spaces so it read: -

Neither of these work. Has anyone had success doing this please?

Can you check the log of addon?
i have made a test and there are these lines on mi log:

[09:35:20] INFO: Read alias: test_test:enable_off
Daemon Kill 346
Daemon Start

Another check after called the services can you push the reload button for the fronted ?


Hi michelebossa,
You’re right, the service is being called correctly. I discovered this last night when my bedroom light unexpectedly came on! The reason I thought this had not fired was because the enabled switch for the schedule had not come on, after triggering the service call.
When I click the refresh, as you suggested, it is now correctly displayed. Is there some way I can perform the refresh as part of a service call? I could add that on to the end of the automation.

Thanks for your help.

I have made a fix to force the reload of fronted+services can you reinstall the addon?

PS to see the data displayed updated now i’ll hope you need just revisit the addon page there is no need to press refresh button .


Hi yes this is working, when I action the service call there is no need to refresh and the toggle switch correctly displays if the schedule is on or not. Thank you (as always) for a very fast fix!

I really like this! One question… can someone show me how to properly configure sunset offset (sun is 20 degrees below horizon)? I cannot seem to get it to work.

The offset it is a time to add o subtract from sunset/sunrise time.

i have the sunset 20:10(value retrive from HA instance) + 30M (Minutes) the schedule consider 20:40.


Thank you for your response.

I should clarify my question. Is it possible to use the sun elevation as an offset; the angle of the sun relative to the horizon?

Example from my current automations.yaml:

alias: Turn on Office Light at night
description: ‘’

  • below: ‘-35’
    entity_id: sun.sun
    platform: numeric_state
    value_template: ‘{{ state_attr(’‘sun.sun’’, ‘‘elevation’’) }}’

No :disappointed:

No problem. Good job, I really like what you’ve put together.

Hi very good job for the addon, It was working for me for 2 days and suddenly it doesn’t…i didn’t change anything in my system…

the addon log shows:

raceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/daemon.py”, line 420, in
t = time.strptime(date, “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)
File “/usr/lib/python3.8/_strptime.py”, line 562, in _strptime_time
tt = _strptime(data_string, format)[0]
File “/usr/lib/python3.8/_strptime.py”, line 349, in _strptime
raise ValueError(“time data %r does not match format %r” %
ValueError: time data ‘2020-10-31 24:00:00’ does not match format ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’

any help??
thanks in advance

Can you try to change the schedule from 24:00:00 to 23:59:59? I think there is a trouble on formatting the date+time.


Hi Michele!!! It was that. It works. For you to know it was making all the schedules not working for only one . Now thinking it is true that at 24.00 it is confuse weather is the current day or the next day… now understood.
Grate job the addon.
As suggestions:

  • Being able to add a random time (defining a window time).
  • In a schelude being able to define diferent times windows on-off (now i define another schelude and it is allright)

Thank again!!

Perfect I’ll try to add into a new release a fix to avoid the problem. About a Random time can you share with me a user cases for these functionality? It is a strange request I’m asking just to understand why.:grin:

thanks again. The use case is the typical case when you go on holiday or you are out home for days and you want a light or whatever to be switch on and off no exactly the same time,to seem someone is there at home…the random functionality i’d suggest to be able to chose widows time for on and off and the algorithm to do random in those windows…:
on: [ 16:00:00 ; 19:00:00]
off [ 22:00:00 ; 23:59:00]

just a suggestion, right now for me is perfect.
thanks regards

What is strange about it? I bought a plug-in lamp timer some 30 years ago that touted this feature. Most of the standalone timers I’ve had since then also support it, and Tasmota has this functionality built in too. Burglars scoping out a neighborhood can quickly identify that lights are on timers and likely nobody is home when they turn on and off at exactly the same times each day. A human turning on the lamp in the evening will never turn it on at a precise time each day.