HA stops reporting Wink state changes

Got it. So I can ignore those PS errors as they relate specifically to that legacy device?

So more generally, yes when the problem with state updates between Wink and HA occurs, I actually use my Wink app to reproduce the situation. Meaning I’ll execute a device change (like smartswitch on/off) using Wink and will reproduce the no state change in HA. Any other logging I can do to capture more details when this problem occurs?

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Yea ignore the errors in your log.

So what I am saying, is if you make a change in HA like turn on a light, does the change get reflected in the Wink app instantly (Like less than 4 seconds) with the app open and running.

If I have the app open on my phone the temperature gets updated, however I can also get the temperature to update by calling the service wink.refresh_state_from_wink. This appears to only update once.


in this graph the green line is coming from wink the rest are coming from honeywell

on further review I noticed a descrepancy within the graph tile:

the graph line is showing 22.6 however the instant value on the chart shows 21.

is there a fix for this or work around? i read the thread but dont see mention of an actual fix or concrete work around for this issue.


I am not sure what the actual issue is. This is very similar (almost identical) to the issue that was occurring when Wink push updates were first implemented almost 2 years ago. That issue was fixed, and seems to be working still for most users.

At this point I think the next step is to find what is common between the users having the problem.

@mceres what devices do you have attached to wink? @RichardR same question.

I assume anyone having this problem hasn’t noticed a crash in their logs? I think I remember there being a bad response from pubnub awhile back for a specific device which caused a crash and stopped all updates, but that was probably more than 2 years back.

Another helpful task would be to follow the direction here https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/17962#issuecomment-448059549 and see if running the test script I have listed “fixes” the problem when it happens. This would be doing exactly what Home Assistant already does to keep the Wink states updated, just doing it with a different token.

i am having issues with a kwikset door lock, it doesnt show the correct state in hassio. And my other issue is with the homebridge, that doesnt seem to be updating hassio once i turn off a light (this is a light from the wink hub)

Can you confirm that the Wink app is showing the correct state with your lock? I know there have been problems with third party integrations like that (not zigbee/zwave) not updating at all, not just with Home Assistant.

Yes, wink has the correct state. The lock and ge wall switch are z-wave

Oh okay, maybe there is a 1st gen kwikset that uses wifi?

The lock it’s z-wave as well.

Yeah, I am saying I think there was a non-zwave version that is also supported. I understand you are using all Z-wave. Good to know. We can see if other chime in and say what they are running.

Once you launch the Wink app do HA updates start working again? Meaning once they stop, open the app, and then lock/unlock the door manually. Are the states then in sync?

I assume you don’t see any crashes in your logs?

I am not seeing correct state in Hassio for ihome SP5 smart plugs

This was the only discussion I’ve come across about entity state updates in HA so figured I would post my question here.

I have a wink 2 hub and running HA 84.6 on a RPi3b+. I have 2 of the Hampton Bay universal wink enabled remotes setup in wink. The state changes in HA seem to either never happen or take forever, even if I turn a light on from HA. I always have to run the wink refresh state service in HA.

If I turn the light on in HA, either from the frontend or using alexa, the light turns on within 1 to 3 seconds. However, the state of the light in HA still shows off. I also noticed when I turn the light on from the frontend I see the slider move to on and a few seconds later is slides back to off. It seems to stay off until I run the service to refresh wink states.

When I turn the light on from HA I checked the wink app and it correctly shows the light is on. I thought about setting up an automation to run the wink refresh state service every time the light is triggered on or off, but not only is that a bandaid, it won’t help for when the light is turned on via the remote.

Thanks for any and all ideas and help.

Can you try performing the steps in the post above HA stops reporting Wink state changes and see if running the test script fixes the issue.

I noticed you didn’t say this issue starts happening after awhile, does that mean you have this issue as soon as HA is restarted or do you have problem after several hours of it running?

I assume you aren’t seeing any issues in your logs?

I will give your test script a try and let you know.

I haven’t tested for the problem enough to know if it’s happens directly after startup or a while later. I will test for that as well.

And no, nothing in the log.

I’m not sure if I’m doing things correctly, but when I try to run the script using “pip3 wink_test.py” I get ERROR: unknown command “wink_test.py”

I put my client_id and client_secret in both places where it said. 2 each for YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET

Do I have to put the script in a special place? I have it in the pi user’s home directory and ran it from there.I tried it both with and without sudo also.

you should be running that command with python3 not pip3

Ok, now I get the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “wink_test.py”, line 1, in
import pywink
ImportError: No module named ‘pywink’

Ran it from both pi user’s home and homeassistant user’s home.

run pip3 install python-wink and then try again