HA stops reporting Wink state changes

I haven’t been experiencing any issues beyond the original authorization issues we went over in the PR.

I have the new creds that were generated for the registered app; is there anything you want me to test? Specifically what and how?

Nothing specific, just that it works. Since you aren’t and haven’t had the updating issue in the past its just additional testing which can’t hurt.

Upgrading to 48 now; once I know it’s stable in as far as wink is concerned, I’ll test it out.

Cool, thanks.

Hey, BTW; should I continue to use my old OAuth creds (which are working) or the new ones I generated in the steps we went through for the app setup over at Wink’s dev site?

Does it make a difference? Seems to be working fine with the old creds.

Is this related to this… ha can turn on my wink fan but does show its on… I go to app and change speeds then ha gets update

That’s very possible, never spoke with anyone (that I know of) with a Wink fan however so it is possible there is a bug. Would love for you to test out the new file if possible

Test both? Let one run for a day or so and switch to the others. I don’t expect there to be a difference in behaviour, but Wink does strange things.

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Will do. Sorting out some Harmony hub issues ATM, so it might be another day or so.

New File? point me in the right direction

Link is in the post.

Easiest thing to do is drop the wink.py from the github link above into a folder inside your configuration folder called custom_components and restart. More detailed explanations above. Probably a couple days back.

I fixed the 401 with balloob’s help, so if anyone wants to try that out again.


Has anyone else that use to have the updating issue had a chance to test out this new version out?

@dspille have you had a chance to test out oauth?

I am using it with the android auth. and it has been working ok for me. Thank you for adding that back!

Awesome good to know, thanks. And no problem, so stupid the way that garage door stuff got disabled.

I had to go out of town sorry I could not do anything… I will help test if you need me too… My wink fan would not show up as a entity so @dale3r helped me add a automation that made it work see here https://github.com/Vasiley/Home-AssistantConfig/blob/master/packages/wink_fan.yaml … I only have wink and access_token in config…

So are you saying the fan “exists” but you just don’t see it in the frontend?

I do now… before @dale3r helped I could see state changes from wink app for it but could not control…the only think i could do is turn light on but then could not turn off… But now its completely working via a work around… here is my front end

just it stops getting updates from time to time