HA stops reporting Wink state changes

Oh my :frowning2: that isn’t right. Can you open up a github issue for this? Not thinking this is something I am doing wrong but clearly there is something going on.

You aren’t overriding your Home view are you?

Hopefully this will fix the updates issue, but not sure why you aren’t seeing the fan at all.

Yes I have changed the view It had a drop down for fan speed and still does …But it would not turn on fan much less select a speed

if you look at that complicated automation @dale3r made… Only after he did that could i turn on and change speeds

Oh… okay so you can see it, it just didn’t work. That could be something I am doing wrong. Yeah if you wouldn’t mind opening an issue that would be cool. We can get this figured out.

Please dont laugh but i am very new to this git thing… My experence goes back to fortran and such how do I post it …I usually dont post dont like to complain rather i would like to just figure it out

also should I work on getting the oath info would that make a diff

No problem!

Go here https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues and click the Green button in the top right “New Issue”

Fill out the requested info, no need for the “Problem-relevant configuration.yaml entries and steps to reproduce:” section. And if possible check your logs and see if you have and Tracebacks in them related to the fan, if not skip that section as well.

And if you could, try to turn on the fan or change the speed or whatever isn’t working and send me your log file on here in a PM. You will have to upload it somewhere else or change the extension to .yaml to upload it on this site.

ok I think i did that right… It works with the automations so i dont know if log would help…I guess I could comment out?

That works, can you provide a description in the issue? I am aware of it, but I am not sure if someone else will close it for lack of detail.

And yeah, if you could comment it out and run it for a test that would be awesome.

what logs from pubnub and wink?

Everything “should” log into the default homeassitant log however you may end up needing to increase your logging level. I am hoping there is a Trackback in there somewhere that will make it easier to figure out what is going on.

I can get excatly what you want I have have learning this Ha and python from reading logs I have package set up to set logs https://github.com/Vasiley/Home-AssistantConfig/blob/master/packages/logger.yaml

Ahhh okay, so add a homeassistant.components.wink: debug and send me that.

I am now testing pull 8208 with the oauth method with client ID and secret. The configuration step worked fine, and I did not have to remove my HA password this time. I will report back later to confirm if refresh state continues to work correctly.

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No wink debug at all in log when I comment out automations I get the entity with no control

fan.living_room_fan	on	model_name: Ceiling Fan
speed: medium
supported_features: 0
manufacturer_device_model: home_decorators_home_decorators_fan
speed_list: auto,lowest,low,medium,high
device_manufacturer: home_decorators
friendly_name: Living room fan

btw fan is off LOL

This seems to be a message that is populated every so often seems wierd “presence”
2017-07-07 09:21:47 DEBUG (EndpointThread-Heartbeat-0) [pubnub] GOT {"status": 200, "message": "OK", "service": "Presence"}

I went all day with no issues.

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Would love for some people to test out local control!

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