HA stops reporting Wink state changes

I’d be happy to test it. Just copy the wink.py to custom_components and change the config file?

I believe so, there shouldn’t be any other requirements.

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Kinda weird for me. It works, but it actually seems slower in some cases than running non local. This could be just a ‘feels like’ thing and I’ll need to do more testing.

Other than that, it works and there are no errors to report.

Thanks for the feedback. I would agree, sometimes it will be really quick other times it seems slower.

What hub version do you have? Wonder if this is just because we are both using a v1.

Is there a known reason for the slowness? I know when I was messing with local control the startup of the ssl session took the longest. I wasn’t sure if I was missing something with the /updates api call.

Not that I know of. I think you are right though probably the initial connection that takes the longest. I wonder if the official app creates a session or something. Although the app can be slow at times too.

Edit: I am able to see the local api calls now via the log settings below.

 default: warning
   homeassistant.components.wink: info
   pywink.api: info

Yep; v1 hub here. Still haven’t been able to justify an upgrade.

Yupp was just about to reply that the logging comes from pywink. :+1:

Yeah, same not sure what the benefit is really I know some people have issues with their v1 going offline but I think I managed to find the sweet spot in my house for it.

Same here; I used to have the occasional issue pairing when I first started out and then after relocating it just a few feet away on an adjacent wall, it’s worked incredible ever since. Placement is key for the v1; mine was on the other side of an interior wall from my FiOS router. You’d figure that would be ok but I had all sorts of issues. Moving it made all the difference.

Ironically, I just did it to get my front door lock to pair and was planning on moving it back until I realized everything was working much faster and stability was rock solid.

I upgraded to HASS .50 this morning and working to get the new Wink component configure up and running. I’ve had a Wink developer account for a few weeks. When I trying using the Configure option I receive a link and get the below error message. Not sure where to go form here.

I know this may sound weird, but if you have a Pi remote into a desktop session and open a browser and run HA in it then try the configure from there.

I remember having to do this when I was testing things with @w1ll1am23.

What do you have in the redirect uri section for developer.wink.com? Make sure you enter the local IP of your HA box and you are doing the authentication from your local network.

I don’t have a Pi that I could remote into a desktop right now. I’m at work and I remote onto my laptop that is on the same network as my HA.

I currently have in the redirect uri section but I had just changed it, does it take time to propagate through there system?

From the local network should work, did you change the callback to ?

OK problem #1. The link i get from the configure option cuts off the /callback.- Fixed

Problem #2. I know get this error message from the /callback link.

Nope it isn’t cut off. You need to add the callback to the developer.wink.com site and it needs to be

Once that has been added, you need to visit

That will direct you to Wink for authentication and if successful will redirect you back to which will indicate a success.

I was just about to say I figured it out. The /callback has to be in the redirect uris then when I get the config URL go to that link.

Thank you for your help!


No problem!