HACC - Home Assistant Command Center

awesome work @qJake, you’ve certainly put in solid effort here and I’m keen to spin it up for a look.

Certainly looks like you’ll convert users who like the HADashboard tile look

@nickrout nope, clicking auto layout doesn’t do anything for me. Nothing appears.

@qJake I used a similar docker command to what you posted in the readme on github. I used:
sudo docker create --name=hacc --restart no -p 8095:8095 qjake/hacc:latest
which accomplishes the same thing, but just gives it a name and restart direction, then I just have to start it separately. I don’t use persistent storage (-v /some/folder/on/host:/some/folder/in/container), but you might be right, the container may not have r/w access because it was created with sudo (only way to use docker in Synology from command line) but I don’t have the --privileged flag set or don’t have a PID or GID set like I need for some other containers.

@Cameron I have tried setting the device layout settings and it errors when saving, so right now nothing shows up.

thanks for sharing this app and it was very easy to get started. I have it ran on docker in less than 5 min. One question, are we able to have more than one dashboard?
So far as a test, this is how mine look

@qJake Might want to make a note that a valid screen resolution must be entered into the layout settings. I was just testing and don’t have an actual device yet. Something like 300x300 fails to save, but 2048x1536 (resolution of iPad model 3) saves. After I entered a valid resolution size, everything showed up.

Now, let’s say I wanted to save the config settings, blow away the container, then re-create the container but keep the settings. Where does this config.json save within the container so I can link it to persistent storage?

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@fversteegen Not currently but it’s something I’d like to try and add in the future.

@mitch I tried this a little while ago and got it to run on an Alpine VM, but for some reason I couldn’t get it to run on Alpine ARM32… There are official images for it here, I think I just need to tinker with it a bit more…

@mistrovly No, but it’s planned for the future! That’s one of the key points preventing me from using it in my house currently, since I have 4-5 pages of dashboards using another tool so it’s not a drop-in replacement yet. Also, awesome dashboard! :slight_smile:

@squirtbrnr The config.json file is stored in the app root with all of the other files right now (easiest for cross-platform to just tell the app to save in the “.” directory…) but I’m planning to support command-line options for changing both the target config directory, AND being able to pull from something like GitHub so you can version your config! :smiley:

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Thanks for the fast reply, sir. I will my eyes open for those features.

Hi! New to this but i would really like to try it. I’ve install docker for windows and ran the two commands on a powershell window:
docker pull qjake/hacc
docker run -p 8095:8095 qjake/hacc

I’ve the console running on http://localhost:8095/admin/Settings

I do not understand the first part: Home Assistant Base URL & Long-Lived Access Token

The URL i configured a link to my hostname created on a ddns service. But i do not konw waht to type on the Long-Lived Access Token field. Can you guys help me?


The way I have mine setup is.
1- Under your user settings in HA, scroll down to “long-lived token”
2- Create one for HACC

Log in to your HA front end, click on your account in the left hand menu, scroll down towards the bottom and you’ll see access tokens and long-lived access tokens are at the bottom. You may or may not have to enable advanced mode under your account (same page you’re on looking for the access tokens). Then click on create token, give it a name, read the warning, copy the string that was generated, and paste that into HACC under your URL.

I’m hoping to support easier setup and access than using a LLAT, I know if we can get it working as a Hass.io add on then you can just implicitly access Home Assistant with no additional config necessary. Something I’m hoping to make better!

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Version 0.4.0

View the release on GitHub

Fixes and new stuff:

  • GH#1 - Added support for custom date/time formats and setting time zone per tile, which also means you can now have multiple date tiles displaying different timezones!
  • GH#3 - Fixed an issue where the default layout settings were confusing new users.
  • GH#4 - Added the ability for person entities to be used on the Person tile, along with existing device_tracker entities.



Apologies to all my international friends that I was forcing a U.S.-based date/time on previously. :blush:


Back up your config.json in the application root.

I personally don’t have enough experience with Docker to know what happens if you want to upgrade a container to a new version. If someone with more Docker experience than me could report in on how to upgrade but retain the config.json file, that would be awesome!

I’m thinking it may be beneficial to have an import/export config option on the main system settings page as well, likely to facilitate these types of updates.


Is config.json the only file needed to carry over? If so, for future reference, I believe adding -v (your path)/hacc/config.json:/app/config.json to your run command will make it persist

FYI: I’m not where I can text this so no promises the paths are exact lol

Yes, that is the only configuration file (keepin’ it simple! :wink:).

Let me know if someone is able to get this to work, I’d love to add this to the documentation!

This is fantastic, thank you. Is it possible to utilize this on a Hassio instance?

Not currently, but I’m working on support for it. I run a Hass.io instance on a RPi3 myself, so adding support for this is one of my top priorities.

Though it may have to wait - Microsoft isn’t releasing official Alpine ARM images for .NET Core until version 3.0 which is due out next month I think.

It’s me again, I don’t know if anybody else is having the same issue as me. For some reason my settings on the admin page are not taking effects after the upgrade. So far i’m stuck in the setup page.

I downloaded it via SSH but when I checked in Portainer it fails to start with the following errors

@BertrumUK What platform/architecture/hardware is this? Is it Hass.io running somewhere?

@mistrovly In the next version I can add some logging to expose the particular error that’s occurring which may help you troubleshoot more.

It’s a Pi3 running raspian with the Linux install of hassio via docker