Hack Lenovo Smart Clock to display HA Lovelace UI

Hello everyone,
Just bought the lenovo smart clock which I think isn’t used at its full potential.
I was reading a bit the internet to see if there is a way to hack into it and for example at least cast home assistant dashboard which is a lot more customisable.

For now, I found out that its possible to plug in a USB keyboard and mouse and control the display (access youtube and a chromium broswer): Lenovo smart clock hacked! - YouTube

Does anyone knows how to potentially access root settings (ADB or fastboot)? I tried powering on the device and pressing down volume, also tried up volume and then both but nothing happened…

Strangely enough the source code is open source and can be found here: smart :: smart home :: smart clock :: za4r Lenovo Smart Support - Lenovo Support US

So if anyone tried anything yet or is willing to dig into that I’m sure using the very small smart display could be very interesting for future use cases with home assistant!
Keep me updated !

Thanks :slight_smile:


I have 3 lenovo 10" smart displays. I purchased them because they are still in store display mode. This mode has the option to test all aspects of the display, gives sound and touch with no issues. I can get into bootloader menu. Only this is as far as I can go. My goal was to set one of these up as just a stand alone android device. Not caring what android version it was running. I thought it would be nice to have a full android tablet available, capable of all android features; by your bed side. If someone is willing to get this going. I would happily send you a Lenovo 10" smart display, so you can do what you like with it.


Hey, so I’ve figured out a way on my smart display 7 to access web pages but since It doesn’t have a USB port for keyboard input I can only change web pages by clicking links already provided.

you said you can get into the bootloader menu id love to try and give it a shot one of those

Hey! I just found you can take off the grey plastic from the back (where you plug your lenovo smart 7) and an usb-c type can be found. I connected it to the computer and this is what it reads:

It is in Spanish sorry!

Any ideas?

This is what it looks like:

Yeah I found it right after I commented. Got the same information and an empty folder. Still can’t get a keyboard to work though but ill figure something out

Tried Fastboot and still got nothing to work with. I’m currently reviewing source code and Google assistant developer scripts. We’re gonna figure this out lol.

I would love to disassemble some Lenovo smart clocks and wall mount them and turn them into wall mounted sockets for lights/fans/blinds for each room. Anyone know of the best way to do this?

They are perfect as you can get them relatively cheap, and include all the hardware that would make it great (including motion sensor to light the display up when a user approaches).

Sounds like I would need a custom software to read the motion sensor though… Would be a great project if enough people were interested.

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Hi Stuart,

Did you have had any luck with this?
Iam thinking about buying a Lenovo smart clock as well to show lovelace.

Unfortunately not…looking into Lanbon L8 for my use case instead

Hi, for you info, a github has been opened to centralize all interesting info regarding the code and developper tools available:

But still no breakthrough yet.
The displays seems also to be sold for very cheap now.


I know this is an old thread, but for anyone still curious (or any new readers), this is possible. I just did it using this tutorial: Install any app on a Google / Lenovo Smart Clock 2 - no root or device modification required! - YouTube


I am going the same way. so far i got a launcher, keyboard and button remapper installed.
HA app is running, now i have to configure and test. Anybody with experience willing to share info?

I’ve got it running on the companion app. Just trying to get kiosk mode going now

How did you manage to get the companion app going? - I’ve loaded it on mine and after entering the login details the app force closes :thinking:

I made progress with my clock. It is autobooting in HA, dashboard is running in kiosk mode and it looks like the random reboots into the launcher have stopped. The secon Youtube video helped, even when it is not talking about HA. Turn Your Lenovo Smart Clock 2 Into a Fully Fledged Smart Home Controller!
Now i have to design a nice dashboard.


Which APK did you use for the HA companion app? I am seeing force close as soon as I try to login… I pulled a backup of the apk from my phone so wonder if it is the wrong architecture or something

I installed Fdroid and took the version from there (no google dependacies).

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Dashboard is usable, my first step up from mere toying with smarthome :wink:
Its showing weather forecast, local sensors, upcoming events and countdown to holidays and even has some light switches.


That looks great, nice job!

Which theme is that you are using? It looks super readable on such a small display.