SINCERE apologies for the length of time I have taken to get to this. House move, wife going back to work (leaving me with two toddlers) and a few other bits and bobs conspired against me.
This is the first time I’ve ever attempted a guide, so please bear with me. I am happy to take questions and clarifications.
This hack comes with mains voltage working, please take appropriate care
This is the basic unit. Available from eBay, Bangood, GearBest and all the usual places:
I went for the 10W unit, as I am looking for effects, not “task” lighting. Pick your poison…
Take the front off and you have basically the controller/power unit, LED chip and IR receiver. Cut out the electrics leaving;
I wired a 7.5Ohm 3W resisitor in series with the red LED line. I am no expert, but I did a little reverse engineering on the controller and also tried to find the specs on the LED chip itself to work out appropriae power supply. The red line needs a voltage drop (you MUST use a constant voltage supply, not constant current, for this project) and the 3W derives from that aspect. No resistor on blue or green).
After frying two controllers by using variable V LED drivers I worked out my stupid error and settled on this 6W 220v-12v supply. It is plenty bright enough for my needs! Also, it has the advantage of being able to fit without removing it from its case, which when dealing with a metal light fitting and mains voltage is good news for me.
The controller for this project is this one, with custom firmware flashed to give MQTT control. I have multiple lights pub/sub to the sane topics so they all act as one. I have no need to control each one differently.
I went for the base model LC-01 as it fulfills my needs, There are others (RGB+W, IR controllers, RF controllers) depending on what you want and need.
I popped this out of its case as it is shorter without the cable exiting from the end, wrapped it in kapton tape and wired everything together.
Then it all goes back together and you are in business!
The link to the forum covering the LC-01 controller work required for this project.
ANY questions please shout.
Once again, sorry for my tardiness.