HACS 2.0 - The best way to share community-made projects just got better

I’m confused by one aspect. In the release notes it says “You can no longer configure HACS in YAML”. I assume that refers to the integration itself.

If using UI and lovelace in YAML, you do still need these, right?

    mode: yaml
      - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-slider-entity-row/slider-entity-row.js
        type: module

I tried removing them and nothing worked, so pretty sure you do – or did I miss some other config step?

Yes, the release notes for anything only ever refer to that thing itself.


Since upgrading to HACS 2.0 I have the below message:

All my front-end HACS custom cards seem to be working fine, so I’m not sure why this shows up and what I can due about it.
Does anybody have any ideas?

What I loved was the green border of new repositories that have been released in HACS.
Is this feature still there and no new repos have been added or did this change?


I’m trying to create specific update sensors, to distinguish if the update is frontend or integration related. The attribute “Repository Type” seems to be available as shown on the screenshot below, but I cannot find an info on how to access the repository type value/attribute via a template. Does somebody have an idea? Repository types - HACS

You can’t get that information from a template.

EDIT: Correction, it’s in the model.


{{ device_attr('update.alexa_media_player_update', 'model') }}

integration is integration
dashboard is plugin


This is just half the way. Also updated repos will show up under new. I miss the green boxes around REALLY new repos… :frowning:

This is what I said already, getting response which tranlates into using HACS section only for installing new stuff. Otherwise use Settings/Update section.
But for installation only the HACS GUI is overwhelming.

Personally, I liked my previous UI experience more. Still cannot get accustomed to the new one.

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I can agree 100 %

Thank you for all the work on this project!

I too am in the camp that finds the new HACS UI overwhelming. It looks nothing like opening Integrations or Add-Ons from the side bar. But maybe there is a roadmap?

I would like to see separate buttons(tabs) across the top like Automations with something like “Frontend”, “Integration”, “Downloaded”, “New”, “Store” as suggestions. I don’t need(want) to see “new” apps mixed in with my downloaded apps and I don’t feel I should have to use filters every time I open HACS. I also struggle with home assistant’s UI direction in general.

I do like that HACS apps updates and issues now have better integration in home assistant’s UI.

If there is a better place to offer suggestions, let me know. I couldn’t find anything on GitHub other than creating an Issue.


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It seems I have a weird issue, since nothing similar came up in my search: HACS is regularly up to date, but HACS frontend is not. Of course I have cleared the cache and restarted HA multiple times since the new version.
This is how it looks HACS for me and the “about” window.

Ever since I updated to HACS 2.0.1, I have problems updating HACS things. I will see that they need to be updated in the main page, which is great but when I hit update, it does a super quick update, like 5 seconds, and then it will show as restart needed. I restart and then it’s back in to the need to update section. I can update again and it all does the same. And then 2 or 3 or 4 days later, it’ll just disappear from the need to update section and I’m guessing it’s been updated? Very weird behavior.
I’m running latest version of Home Assistant.

Right now I have Pirate weather and Sonos card that just did it.

Never seen that.

HA or specific custom components?

Have you checked your logs?

It sounds like it could be a network-related issue.

Does this happen for all updates or specific custom components?

How would readers of your post know what that means, especially in time to come?

You are correct @parautenbach , about my HA version used. haha. I’m on 2024.9.3 right now. I just updated again this morning. The updates not working are specific to HACS integrations. All system and add ons updates work fine. You are also correct in sayin that I did not check my logs. Let me check them right now. Well I just rebooted so no logs yet. And the updates took after I updated to 2024.9.3. ( I updated again the HACS modules and then updated to 2024.9.3) So more than a restart.

I just deleted HASC from home assistant, rebooted twice etc, then re installed as per HASC.xyz instructions. It’s back up, I go for an update. I now have the same 5 updates waiting. I try one and it’s still doing the same thing. Click update, update happens in 5 seconds then it says it’s update. I reboot and of course I see the update smiling back at me.

Is there a manual way to update components?

Oh well at least I’m not the only one with this problem.

Logs. Where are your logs?

If you click the GitHub link above, I posted my logs there.
Couldn’t figure out how to post the filcher. Sorry.

Nice to see you got an answer on GitHub. Hope it’s working now.