HACS 2.0 - The best way to share community-made projects just got better

Template entities is its own entry to reload in dev tools. That’d probably do it for templates?

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@petro can probably tell us, as he develops a custom template.

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Oh im very interested in the ability to quickly share templates in a common catalog and deploy without restarting the whole box. With labels and template there’s a lot of - impressive - capabilities that could emerge, and if we all use similar taxonomy it gets cooler.

Its like Neo in The Matrix… I know Kung Fu now.


Nice and clean new look :slight_smile:

MAy I ask, has anybody else noticed that when updating an integration the update pop-up just stays there and never changes? In the past HACS knew when the update was finished installing and then told you to go and restart. Now the screen just stays the info screen and you have to manually close it, hoping the update was finished.


before there was an entity called: update.hacs_update, it was telling me how many hacs components were avaible for update… now it doesnt do that anymore
Porbably because of the new updater integration…

Is there a way to create a sensor to tell me how many updates there are avaible?


that question was already raised and answered in this thread…have a look at this (and the few posts before it too)

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So if any new components/integrations/repos were going to be added, where would be spot those in HACS 2.0? Perhaps in the “new” category if we group by “status”? Since there haven’t any new components been added, I have been unable to check :wink:

I was under the impression that the the backlog was created because the developer were busy designing HACS 2.0. (At some point, the repo updates were actually relatively frequent.) Does that mean now, that 2.0 is rolled out, developers have more time reviewing PRs? Or is this indeed entirely independent? The latter would be quite unfortunate, given how powerful many of the HACS integrations are!

yes, indeed it is like you say.
There is a progress bar on the top of the popup which provides the cue. But if you unfold the changelog, the progress bar is scrolled up. Things you see are only two inactive buttons, saying nothing about the process.

Also, old HACS was giving the option to reload UI in order to flush its cache. The new one doesn’t.

In addition, information about a needed restart (repair) is available only when looking at the root of the Settings section. Once you click on “Show all updates,” the repair information disappears.

It does through the repair.

Everything is meant to be handled through the main UI, aside from the initial search/download.

Sorry to not agree. A need to flush FE cache for frontend extentions is not reported in Repair section. Only need of restart HA

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This is my experience as well. Just popped a card upgrade 5 minutes ago and it dropped off the menu with no indication a reload is necessary…

I have had HACS for a long time…but I am still running 2024.3.3 and OS 12.1 (HAOS) on HP T620 ThinClient. HACS is not telling me there is an update.

I wish there was a listing of ‘minimum versions’ posted instead of this:

HACS should work on any up-to-date version of Home Assistant, it even runs on core installations. It also requires a GitHub account. If you already have HACS 1.X installed, perform a backup, go into HACS and then click the update button for HACS (note: if you update, there is no downgrading).

Sounds like an issue then, probably best to write it up on github.

which one? HA or HACS?

That would be HACS, the integration

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Everything works pretty fine on my end , just updated Tuya Local , and there was a popup that told me to restart HA …
Is there another way to access the Hacs2 dashboard than the side panel ? Because as almost works now via HA UI , the side panel entry seems too much.

definitely says 2024.4.1 as minimum


I was really willing to file this issue… jezus christ…
so many enigmatic options to chose from:

You use this when something is not doing what it’s supposed to do.

Probably, but what if not?

You use this when elements in the UI are not working correctly.

One could say it is the FE issue since there is missing information on frontend

HACS Action
You use this when there is an issue with the HACS action.

It must be it because it’s about an action performed by HACS.
But after entering the issue form, I’m pretty sure I’m on the wrong page, because it asks me to provide links to actions… I don’t have.

And this is good (after opening HACS actions issue):

You use this when there is an issue with the HACS action. If this doesn’t look right, choose a different type.

I have no idea if it either looks right or not. lol/

The checklist needed to confirm is another animal… I’m missing a few more points like I’m conscious and sober :wink:

And you know what the most frustrating thing is about all of those? You have to confirm you are the most recent version of the software, otherwise, you are not allowed to report anything. Even if the version doesn’t matter.

I’m confused. These 4 items are e.g. is the section/category pending here


But these 7 (+eufy addon) in Updates section

  • Why is the skipped sankey card in pending? But the skipped browser_mod integration is not in pending?

  • Why are there items (which I cannot install because of wrong HA version, here e.g. sky, variables, scheduler) not in pending (I would like this / see this as correct) but in updates?

I would assume that updates show only updatable updates but pending only really pending (and not skipped ones). Or another skipped category/section separated from pending.

Only HACS knows about version dependencies because it’s a requirement in hacs.json to list what version it can be installed on, the built in HA update entities do not. This is most likely an issue w/ HACS update entities.

Secondly, HACS has no concept of what is skipped in HA. HACS just provides the entities, there is no mechanism for HACS to know what you skipped. This would be a FR.