HACS as a list?

That doesn’t matter. Your reaction has sealed your fate. Had you just had a normal reaction and stated your case, you could be in a different position. That’s what you’re not understanding.

Yes him closing it was probably in bad taste, however your response makes it a moot point.

It’s the way you went about this.

  1. Your issue was closed.
  2. You immediately got defensive and created a second issue. (annoying, not abusive)
  3. You immediately assumed he knew your race. (Poor judgment)
  4. You immediately assumed he closed the issue based on your race. (Abusive)
  5. You then came here to publicly shame him. (Abusive)

rewriting the facts and timeline can potentially lead to the same conclusions as you got to, so please don’t do it, if it was like you described I’m with you.

Between opening the first and the second issue there was an hour, I couldn’t reopen the issue although I commented so I opened another issue described it beeter and after few minutes it got closed.

I’m sure that what I wrote here is well seen by others, I have no problem with it, especially where all the facts are also mentioned and timelined both here and with github.

Not going to write further on it, focusing on the issue, again, thanks for open my eyes about the way it might get seen.

found the issue and fixed it locally, it has nothing to do with cache…

Chrome 101 does not support usage of navigator property to get the userAgent, appVersion and platform.

All of this is over an outdated browser?

quite the opposite, my browser is up to date, effective 101 onwards, the support for the code within hacs frontend, will not work.

mine is on the latest, as mentioned in the issue reported in GitHub:

Then it seems like this is the information that needs to be in the issue and it would have been great to make your case in your original issue that was closed :wink:

Well I didn’t know it, I’m just a user reporting on specific issue, the console was clean and the issue was reported in sub tab in the developer tool,
Trust me, and you can check me for every post i have posted in this forum / github and others,
I always trying to look for the solution before opening the issue, after reporting I even try to fix and post PR,
The attitude presented by that specific developer was the most disrespectful I have ever encountered with the open source community,
Sorry if I got it out here in the forum, in GitHub it was enough.

I’m in the industry of software development for more than 20 years, using forums to get assistance and give back whenever I can.

btw, although I didn’t like the attitude, I still kept investigating and once solved it, posted the potential fix for it because it is for the community.

He said 1 sentence to you:

and then closed the issue and closed your duplicate.

If you find that disrespectful, then you might need to re-evaluate what it is to be respectful. At most he was dismissive.

I find it disrespectful mostly because he closed the first one without reading that I have done it,
Then he closed the second one by reasoning it as duplication,
That kind of meaning “go f yourself with your issue, i don’t care about how much effort you have invested to verify each option to fix my code”, so yes, I find it disrespectful

No it’s not. It means he gets tons of issues and he’s not there for support, which that issue looked like as your first issue barely provided enough information to do anything. It’s very easy to assume it’s cache as that’s the likely issue when the frontend is completely changing. It was an honest mistake that you escalated to another level instead of handling it like an adult.

You might don’t find it as is, and again, that’s ok,
I do, because he had and still has the time and say why, the fact you are representing him is adorable on one hand, on the other one, it is still not his words.

As for the fact he has lots on his plate, i’m respecting it, doing mistake also, happens, but like that, he was online, I can understand his original answer (although it was frustrating), missed the part in which I wrote it, but closing the issue without letting me update, and then when he sees that I reopen with more details, that’s not mistake, that was intentionally,
I have a lot on my plate as well, family, working full job and contributing in the community, that does make my answers nor my actions to be rude, if i did something that might sound or translated as rude, I always apologize as fast as I can.

You still haven’t apologized for calling him racist for closing your issue. Which is why we are having his conversation.

You don’t have to apologize to me either. I just moderate. Hopefully you can understand why I’m responding to you.

I implied that it might be from that reason which is why I wrote it in here, so if that is the case, people from other countries can contact him and ask for support, you said I called him racist, let’s be more accurate.
Again, although I got that feeling, it didn’t stop me for look for solution and assist him to solve it.

btw, if people don’t like my country, religion (which i didn’t shared and in my country there are more than 3 religions living together although what is being heard on news) not my gender, that’s ok… i will live with it as long as we keep it as discussion or respecting argue.

We are in conversation, so it does not matter if you are moderate or just a user, all good.

Again, will apologize if needed when that developer will answer, once we will know his honest reason for “dismissing” my issue

You just don’t get it. Never mind. FYI GitHub even censored your response. You might need to rethink how you phrase things in the future. What you said was not how you think it came across. Doubling down here doesn’t help your cause either.

No, most probably I don’t get it as you don’t get me, again, that is ok…
As for GitHub, that is ok as well,
if for speaking my mind based on well backed up facts you think I’m concerned, the answer is no,
That’s a major problem we in my country facing, being silenced, I’m not accepting it, if I have violated any rule here or in GitHub I have no problem facing the punishment, if I said the thruth based on real events… again, not concerned

Old thread but…

Is the list view still experimental?
I enabled experimental to get the templates but have always hated the list view.
I’ve disabled experimental (and restarted and cleared cache) but still have it.

If the list view is now the new normal so be it, but if I can go back to the old UI I’d like to.

I had the same “issue”. I got around it, by accessing my HA through the local ip where all was back to normal. So this definitivly has something to do with cache/browser (in my case most likely cloudflare cache) and not with HomeAssistant.

edit: incognito / other browser still had the experimental list, so i’m pretty sure this is cloudflare doing a thing here

Same thing here. Appreciate the suggestion. Accessing it locally instead of through cloudflare+ngnix proxy worked.

I’ve just recently had this. I have various proxies and some caching. The solution for me, in Chrome, was to:

  1. Open developer tools (F12 or through the menu)
  2. Leave Dev Tools open
  3. Right click the reload/refresh button in Chrome
  4. Select “Empty Cache and Hard Reload”

I hope it works for others!