HADashbaord https

I have recently installed hassio onto a rpi 3 and got most things configured correctly. I have installed HADasboard and got it connected to Hassio. Then I decided to configure https with both hassio and HADashboard I inserted a certificate and key onto hassio which worked fine. But, no longer connects to Hassio. I also can’t get HADashboard to use https either.

the problem you get is connections.

some connection from outside comes in to your 433 port.
what is your router gonna do?
you have several servers. (at least hass and hadashboard) to which does your router send the connection?

that can only work if you have a frontserver like nginx installed that decides which server you want to send the connection.
and that can only work if you have 2 outside adresses, like hass.duckdns.org and dashboard.duckdns.org and then tell your router to point that at your nginx server and tell your nginx server what to do for each incoming connection.

i dont know if and how that is possible in hassio.

Try my addon. You’ll be able to have duckdns AND your HA Dashboard on http port 5050.