Hadashboard V2 Competition

I’ve a bug. I use custom widget light with slider…all fine so far but icon_off will not show its icon but icon_on icon .

Another question was is I can also chose color of this icon of on or off

Best regards

i hardly used it myself. i just added it for others.
i didnt change anything from the icons, thats just default from the light widget.
so i dont know if its a bug, i rather suspect user error.

what is your configuration and how does it look in both situations? (please yaml and 2 pics)

i think you can choose color when its off, but it will switch the lights on.
that cant be helped, thats how homeassistant works.

Hi @tjintomas …wanted to ask if u got some time to share your code :grin:

Sure, I had som cors_allowed_origins error after upgrading Home Assistant to 0.83, and this affects the map widget, so I’ll just sort that out first. I pull the zones directly from Home Assistant’s REST API and the upgrade to 0.83 broke that for some reason.

Bad News … I’m sure u will figure it out (hope) :crazy_face: it’s always the game of risk updating Hass …getting new feature but breaking previous festures. My Xiaomi custom ac component broke with 80.0 but fortunately a smart guy fixed it directly…now each upgrade I need to replace one file :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Here is the Google Maps widget.

Works again? Great man did u also add your skin,? I live it!

Works absolutely perfectly but I would love seeing your custom css for your dashboards :wink: thanks so much for sharing

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I’ll try to post the skin. I dynamically change the css of my skin through some code so that it changes background based on time of day and weather etc.

That’s awesome and absolutely cool​:+1:as u can see I’ve played also a bit around but your skins seem a bit more professional …just perfectly :+1:

Which resolution do u use for your skin? I’ve 1980:1024

Did u get it manage to publish your skin?

Can you share your dashboard.css and variable.yaml? I looked HERE, but the custom_css map is empty. Really like your design!

Would like to have the code too. looks really great

Hi! and thanks for sharing your stuff.

I copied all files to my homeassistant. HADashboard is working but it does not show the background. What am i doing wrong?

Which skin doesn’t show the background?

New screenshots:



Hello unfortunately I didn’t see your skin yet.wilo u release it ?:heart_eyes:

This might be the nicest dashboard I have ever seen. This is EXACTLY what i want!

That’s nice that I got someones taste :wink: but I’m working on another skin but not release yet :sunglasses::v: