Haier Air Conditioner


I don’t have any experience with flashing ESP modules. I bought 4 D1 mini’s and USB cables for my Haier airco’s.
Maybe someone van help me with flashing…

On the github page is written “You only need configure esphaier.yml, put Haier.h in the same directory and flash.”

Configuring the yml is no problem but how do I flash the 2 files on the D1? With ESP Home?

Thanks for the help

Hi there, yes, esphome. They have a guide here: https://esphome.io/guides/getting_started_command_line.html

Basically you need to install Python, pip install esphome, and then CD into the directory of the project where config and code are and run something like esphome livingroom.yaml run. I think that’s all you need to do.

That said as you can see from my previous post, I’m having issues with it, as neither of my D1 mini’s shows any signs of connecting to my wifi. I’m not sure what I’m missing. If you manage to make it work, please, share your steps!

I wrote a suggestion for better home automation integrations to Haier customer support. They redirected me to official GE Appliances site and encouraged to share my ideas. I have already created topic. I think they follow topics popularity, likes, comments. So let’s request simple changes from Haier if you miss some features :wink:


I signed up and liked the suggestion. However I am skeptical about Haier even being able to add REST API over firmware update. I don’t think I even saw any indication that their WiFi receiver can have it’s firmware updated.

They sadly can update the firmware. Because when I received it, i got response. And when I restarted it a couple of days later, it stopped sending any info.

Ah, so they can even push it remotely without user interaction or consent. Great. One more reason to swap it out with a diy one.

It goes through the official app, but you will not see it (at least that it what I think). I looked like they upload it to the device, and swap it when you turn it on.

I have one console unit with a USB for the WiFi module. I got that one running with the WemosD1.
The other 3 units have a built in WiFi module with a JST connection. Inside the case there is a ESP32

Hello, have you managed to make your ESP32 modules work with Home Assistant?

No I have no experience flashing ESP32. I’ve got it working with a ESP8266.

My question was regarding AC devices with JST module. Have you managed to replace it by Wemos ESP8266 in order to connect it with Home Assistant?

I tested it with the ESP8266 and it is working.
Now I’m waiting for the right connectors so I can install it!

This is another question I want to ask - what is the right connector fot it? Is it JST GH with 1,25mm pin distance or something else?

Oke. I can tell you when I have the connector. I hope this week. Just be patient!

This is the right connector “JST SM04B-GHS-TB”.

Thank you - I will order it.

To everyone interested - there’s an alternative solution of integrating Haier ACs into HomeAssistant through HomeBridge. The final fix that was preventing using it with more than 1 AC was finally merged (it did not set unique IDs, now it does). It’s still not pushed to npm packages, but it’s possible to fix in manually by tweaking just 1 line in a text file.

It uses native Haier WiFi controller, so no soldering required.

So here’s what you need to do:

  1. Install HomeBridge. I installed this one: https://github.com/oznu/docker-homebridge . I did it through Portainer addon installed from HomeAssistant Addons. But Homebridge can be installed anywhere on your network, even another host or another machine with docker.
  2. For sanity mount /homebridge to a folder on your host. This will make things easier, but you can use default config as well. I used default config.
  3. DO NOT yet pair it with Hass. For some reason it does not pick up new devices and has to be re-paired. But it’s not like we add new ACs every week so it’s not a problem imo
  4. Go to Homebridge UI, Plugins page and install Homebridge Haier Ac plugin
  5. Now SSH into your installation by whatever means necessary. We need access to files on the host where Homebridge is running. Or if you have samba you can connect through that.
  6. Follow these steps I described on github: https://github.com/bstuff/haier-ac-remote/issues/40#issuecomment-944271915
  7. Configure Haier Ac plugin in Homebride as described here: https://github.com/bstuff/haier-ac-remote/tree/master/packages/homebridge-haier-ac (JSON part)
  8. You should now be able to control your ACs from Homebridge UI. Almost there!
  9. Now in Hass go to Integrations - HomeKit Controller. Go through pairing.
  10. You should now see new entities added and can add climate cards that will control your ACs

Hope this helps someone :slight_smile:

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Hi Michael_Davydov,

thanks for sharing. I tried to follow your instruction. At the start od Homebridge haier plugin I receive this error “Error: connect ECONNREFUSED”. The HON app works correctly at the ip address Have you got any suggestion to solve this problem?

Thank you,


would be nice to see all this on video :slight_smile: Kudos @Michael_Davydov

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I don’t have a solution… is the IP of your AC unit, right?

I would try pinging it from inside Homebridge docker container to see if it can reach it at all. However it is possible that maybe this plugin does not support your WiFi module model or firmware. Not saying it’s the case though, just a guess