Hangouts isn't working

I am trying to configure hangouts, but to no avail.

If you are sure your email and password are correct, but the component says the login is invalid, wait a few hours and try again. It might be that Google asks for a captcha which we can’t support. Google does not provide official support for using bots with Google Hangouts, that’s why we have to work around this.

I am aware of this, but I have been trying the whole week with no success.

Someone posted this:

But I tried this too, and still nothing.

Some notes here:
In my browser, I have my personal google account logged in. but in HA, I am trying to login to another account which is only for HA.
This was working until I fresh installed everything in my rapsberry (Raspbian lite, HA in a venv)

Now, everytime I am trying to login, it says invalid login.

Is there a workaround? Hangouts is really useful for me and also part of my most automations.

I have the exact same problem (but sadly no solution).
I had hangouts working for quite awhile, with photo attachments and everything (also with endlessly repeating responses after a while).
Some time this year it stopped working, so I decided to delete the integration and configure hangouts from scratch.

Now I can not get it to work again.

Invalid login. Try again

Been trying for a week now, to no avail.

I also value hangouts as my primary communication-channel, so any hint would be greatly appreciated.