HAOS 13.0 breaks import of ETS Projectfile

Hi, ever since I updated to HAOS 13.0 I am unable to import ETS Projectfiles. The import starts and takes forver but never finishes. After rollback to 12.4, everything works again.
Anyone with a KNX Installation who faces the same problem or might be able to reproduce it?


Hi :wave:!

  • What versions of HA Core do and don’t work for you? (This is independent of HA OS).
  • Do you see any issues in your HA logs?
  • Do you see any errors in your browser console when uploading?
  • What ETS version was used to create the project file?

Hi Matthias,

HA Core does not seem to be the problem, as every version up to 2024.8.1 works just fine. Problems only to be seen when upgrading the OS from 12.4 to 13. Maybe something in the ACL changed or similar.

Logs do not state anything useful. Seems the process kicks off, the import is seen in the browser window but then nothing happenes. The import never finishes. I have tested several, older ETS files, just to make sure this one is not defective. But this makes no difference. Even after deleting the entire project, I was not able to finish the import once again.

Browser does not provide any messages either (Chrome on Mac OS)

The file had been created with 4.x years ago and had been updated numerous times. Final export here is from 6.2.2, which can be imported without problems when rolling back the HAOS to 12.4.

Alright, then I’m afraid, I can’t help you - I’m not familiar with HA OS.

There have been problems with upload file size limitations for some reverse proxy configurations previously, but iirc this did raise a proper error message in the UI. (see https://github.com/XKNX/knx-frontend/issues/70)

Appreciate your efforts.
The issue in the link is already old and I never had any errormessage appearing, stating something specific. My project is around 25MB, so should not exceed the mentioned 100MB limit.

Are you facing any similar issues?

Edit: This is weird. Out of curiosity, I updated HAOS via cli and tested the ETS-import again - now it works. Seems the update of HAOS via GUI does something different which then breaks the import of the ETS file? (testet it 4 times yesterday via GUI)